When adding fractions, we usually find the least common denominator and rewrite both fractions with that denominator. But do you really need the least common denominator? In the sum 3 8 + 5 12 , first add by using the least common denominator. Then add by using a common denominator that is the product of the two original denominators. Do you get the same answer? Try again for the sum 5 6 + 5 9 . What can you conclude? What is the advantage of finding the least common denominator?
When adding fractions, we usually find the least common denominator and rewrite both fractions with that denominator. But do you really need the least common denominator? In the sum 3 8 + 5 12 , first add by using the least common denominator. Then add by using a common denominator that is the product of the two original denominators. Do you get the same answer? Try again for the sum 5 6 + 5 9 . What can you conclude? What is the advantage of finding the least common denominator?
Solution Summary: The author explains the advantage of finding least common denominator by solving the given tions using L.C.D.
When adding fractions, we usually find the least common denominator and rewrite both fractions with that denominator. But do you really need the least common denominator? In the sum
first add by using the least common denominator. Then add by using a common denominator that is the product of the two original denominators. Do you get the same answer? Try again for the sum
What can you conclude? What is the advantage of finding the least common denominator?
During busy political seasons, many opinion polls are conducted. In apresidential race, how do you think the participants in polls are generally selected?Discuss any issues regarding simple random, stratified, systematic, cluster, andconvenience sampling in these polls. What about other types of polls, besides political?
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Understanding Fractions, Improper Fractions, and Mixed Numbers; Author: Professor Dave Explains;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyW2mWvvtZ8;License: Standard YouTube License, CC-BY