4th Edition
ISBN: 9781265521363
Author: McKinley
Publisher: MCG
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Chapter 25, Problem 1DYKB
Summary Introduction


The concentration and percentage of body fluids and water varies according to the age. The percentage of body fluids decreases with the increase in the age of the person.

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Answer to Problem 1DYKB

Correct answer:

The percentage of water is highest in an individual (lean) male athlete with age of 35years . Therefore, option d. is correct.

Explanation of Solution

Reasons for the correct statement:

Option d. is given as “a lean 35years -year old athlete”.  The concentration and volume of water decreases with age therefore the percentage of water will be highest in an individual of 35years of age.

Hence, option d. is correct.

Reasons for incorrect statements:

Option a. is given as “a frail 76 - year-old woman”. The percentage of body weight will be less in a 76 year old person. Hence, option a. is incorrect.

Option b. is given as “a chunky 52 -year old male athlete”. The percentage of water will be less in an 52 old male athlete. Hence, option b. is incorrect.

Option c. is given as “a healthy 88 -year old man”. The percentage of water will be less in a person of age 88 year of age. Hence, option c. is incorrect.

Hence, options a., b., and c. are incorrect.


Volume and concentration of fluid and water decreases with increasing age, as with the increasing age the amount of skeletal tissue and adipose tissue deposited in the body degrades.

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