Problem 1E: Evaluate the integral in Example 1, integrating first with respect to y, then z, and then x. EXAMPLE... Problem 2E: Evaluate the integral E(xy+z2)dv, where E=(x,y,z)0x2,0y1,0z3 using three different orders of... Problem 3E: Evaluate the iterated integral. 3.020z20yz(2xy)dxdydz Problem 4E: Evaluate the iterated integral. 4.01y2y0x+y6xydzdxdy Problem 5E: Evaluate the iterated integral. 5. 1202z0lnxxeydydxdz Problem 6E: Evaluate the iterated integral. 6. 010101z2zy+1dxdzdy Problem 7E: Evaluate the iterated integral. 7.00101z2zsinxdydzdx Problem 8E: Evaluate the iterated integral. 8. 010102x2y2xyezdzdydx Problem 9E: Evaluate the triple integral. 9. EydV, where E=(x,y,z)0x3,0yx,xyzx+y Problem 10E: Evaluate the triple integral. 10.EezydV, where E=(x,y,z)0y1,yx1,0zxy Problem 11E: Evaluate the triple integral. 11. Ezx2+z2dV, where E=(x,y,z)1y4,yz4,0xz Problem 12E: Evaluate the triple integral. 12. EsinydV, where E lies below the plane z = x and above the... Problem 13E: Evaluate the triple integral. 13. E6xydV, where E lies under the plane z = 1 + x + y and above the... Problem 14E: Evaluate the triple integral. 14. E(xy)dV, where E lies enclosed by the surface z = x2 1, z = 1 ... Problem 15E: Evaluate the triple integral. 15. Ty2dV. where T is the solid tetrahedron with vertices (0, 0,0),... Problem 16E: Evaluate the triple integral. 16. TxzdV, where T is the solid tetrahedron with vertices (0, 0, 0),... Problem 17E: Evaluate the triple integral. 17. ExdV, where E is bounded by the paraboloid x 4y2 + 4z2 and the... Problem 18E: Evaluate the triple integral. 18. EzdV, where E is bounded by the cylinder y2 + z2 = 9 and the... Problem 19E: Use a triple integral to find the volume of the given solid. 19. The tetrahedron enclosed by the... Problem 20E: Use a triple integral to find the volume of the given solid. 20. The solid enclosed by the... Problem 21E: Use a triple integral to find the volume of the given solid. 21. The solid enclosed by the cylinder... Problem 22E: Use a triple integral to find the volume of the given solid. 22. The solid enclosed by the cylinder... Problem 25E: Use the Midpoint Rule for triple integrals (Exercise 24) to estimate the value of the integral.... Problem 26E Problem 27E: Sketch the solid whose volume is given by the iterated integral. 27. 0101x022xdydzdx Problem 28E: Sketch the solid whose volume is given by the iterated integral. 28.0202y04y2dxdzdy Problem 29E: Express the integralEf(x,y,z)dV, as an iterated integral in six different ways, where E is the solid... Problem 30E: Express the integral Ef(x,y,z)dV, as an iterated integral in six different ways, where E is the... Problem 31E: Express the integral Ef(x,y,z)dV,as an iterated integral in six different ways, where E is the solid... Problem 32E: Express the integral Ef(x,y,z)dV,as an iterated integral in six different ways, where E is the solid... Problem 33E: The figure shows the region of integration for the integral 01x101yf(x,y,z)dzdydx Rewrite this... Problem 34E: The figure shows the region of integration for the integral 0101x201xf(x,y,z)dydzdx Rewrite this... Problem 35E: Write five other iterated integrals that are equal to the given iterated integral. 35.... Problem 36E: Write five other iterated integrals that are equal to the given iterated integral. 36.... Problem 37E: Evaluate the triple integral using only geometric interpretation and symmetry. 37.c(4+5x2yz2)dV,... Problem 38E: Evaluate the triple integral using only geometric interpretation and symmetry. 38. B(z3+siny+3)dV,... Problem 39E: Find the mass and center of mass of the solid E with the given density function . 39. E lies above... Problem 40E: Find the mass and center of mass of the solid R with the given density function . 40. E is bounded... Problem 41E: Find the mass and center of mass of the solid E with the given density function . 41. E. is the cube... Problem 42E: Find the mass and center of mass of the solid F. with the given density function . 42. E is the... Problem 43E: Assume that the solid has constant density k. 43. Find the moments of inertia for a cube with side... Problem 44E: Assume that the solid has constant density k. 44. Find the moments of inertia for a rectangular... Problem 45E Problem 46E: Assume that the solid has constant density k. 46. Find the moment of inertia about the z-axis of the... Problem 47E Problem 48E: Set up, but do not evaluate, integral expressions for (a) the mass, (b) the center of mass, and (c)... Problem 51E Problem 52E Problem 53E: The average value of a function f (x, y, z) over a solid region E is defined to be... Problem 54E: The average value of a function f (x, y, z) over a solid region E is defined to be... format_list_bulleted