C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
8th Edition
ISBN: 9781337102087
Author: D. S. Malik
Publisher: Cengage Learning


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Chapter 11, Problem 3PE

Chapter 10 defined the class circleType to implement the basic properties of a circle. (Add the function print to this class to output the radius, area, and circumference of a circle.) Now every cylinder has a base and height, where the base is a circle. Design a class cylinderType that can capture the properties of a cylinder and perform the usual operations on the cylinder. Derive this class from the class circleType designed in Chapter 10. Some of the operations that can be performed on a cylinder are as follows: calculate and print the volume, calculate and print the surface area, set the height, set the radius of the base, and set the center of the base. Also, write a program to test various operations on a cylinder.

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C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program...
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Author:D. S. Malik
Publisher:Cengage Learning
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