Essentials Of Statistics
Essentials Of Statistics
4th Edition
ISBN: 9781305093836
Author: HEALEY, Joseph F.
Publisher: Cengage Learning,

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Chapter 11, Problem 11.5P

P S Below are some of the tables you analyzed in problem 10.17. You already have the results of the chi square tests. Now, analyze these relationships in terms of association, using an appropriate measure of association. Write a paragraph summarizing your results.

a. Presidential preference and race/ethnicity

Preference Race/Ethnicity
White Black Latino Totals
Romney 289 5 44 338
249 538 95 100 66 110 410 748

b. Presidential preference by education

Preference Education
Less than HS HS Graduate College Graduate Post-Graduate Degree Totals
Romney 30 180 118 10 338
35 65 120 300 218 336 37 47 410 748

c. Presidential preference by religion

Preference Religion
Protestant Catholic Jewish None Other Totals
Romney 165 110 10 28 25 338
245 410 55 165 20 30 60 88 30 55 410 748

10.15 P S A random sample of 748 voters in a large city was asked how they voted in the presidential election of 2012. Calculate chi square and the column percentages for each table below and write a brief report describing the significance of the relationships as well as the patterns you observe.

a. Presidential preference and gender

Preference Male Female Totals
Romney 165 173 338
200 365 210 383 410 748

b. Presidential preference and race/ethnicity

Preference Race/Ethnicity
White Black Latino Totals
Romney 289 5 44 338
249 538 95 100 66 110 410 748

c. Presidential preference by education

Preference Education
Less than HS HS Graduate College Graduate Post-Graduate Degree Totals
Romney 30 180 118 10 338
35 65 120 300 218 336 37 47 410 748

d. Presidential preference by religion

Preference Religion
Protestant Catholic Jewish None Other Totals
Romney 165 110 10 28 25 338
245 410 55 165 20 30 60 88 30 55 410 748
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To determine


To find:

The column percentages, strength and pattern of relationship.

Answer to Problem 11.5P


There is a strong positive association between Race/Ethnicity and preference of vote.

Explanation of Solution


The given statement is,

A random sample of 748 voters in a large city was asked how they voted in the presidential election of 2012.

The given table of information is,

Preference Race/Ethnicity
White Black Latino Totals
Romney 289 5 44 338
Obama 249 95 66 410
Totals 538 100 110 748


If the Cramer’s V value is less than 0.10, it is said that there is a weak association between the categories.

If the Cramer’s V value lies between 0.11 and 0.30, it is said that there is a moderate association between the categories.

If the Cramer’s V value is greater than 0.30, it is said that there is a strong association between the categories.

Formula used:

For a chi square, the expected frequency fe is given as,


Where N is the total of frequencies.

The chi square statistic is given by,


Where fo is the observed frequency,

And fe is the expected frequency.

The degrees of freedom for the bivariate table is given as,


Where r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns.

For table larger than 2×2, the Cramer’s V is given by the formula,


Where, χ2 is the chi square value,

N is the total number of elements,

r is the number of rows,

and c is the number of columns.


From the given information,

The observed frequency is given as,


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 538 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 100 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 110 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 538 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 100 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 110 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Consider the following table,

fo fe fofe (fofe)2 (fofe)2/fe
289 243.11 45.89 2105.89 8.66
5 45.19 40.19 161.24 35.74
44 49.71 5.71 32.60 0.66
249 294.89 45.89 2105.89 7.14
95 54.81 40.19 1615.24 29.47
66 60.29 5.71 32.60 0.54
Total 748 748 0 χ2=82.21

The value fofe is obtained as,

Substitute 289 for fo and 243.11 for fe in the above formula.


Squaring the above obtained result,


Divide the above obtained result by fe.


Proceed in a similar manner to obtain rest of the values of (fofe)2/fe and refer above table for the rest of the values of (fofe)2/fe.

The chi square value is given as,


Thus, the chi square value is 82.21.

The level of significance is α=0.05.

Number of rows is 2 and the number of columns of 3.

The degrees of freedom is given by,


And area of critical region is χ2(critical)=5.991.

The Cramer’s V is given by the formula,


Substitute 82.21 for χ2, 2 for r, 3 for c and 748 for N in the above mentioned formula.


Since, 0.33 is greater than 0.30 it shows that the strength of association is strong.

Thus, there is a strong positive association between Race/Ethnicity and preference of vote.


There is a strong positive association between Race/Ethnicity and preference of vote.

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To determine


To find:

The column percentages, strength and pattern of relationship.

Answer to Problem 11.5P


There is a moderate positive association between education and preference of vote.

Explanation of Solution


The given statement is,

A random sample of 748 voters in a large city was asked how they voted in the presidential election of 2012.

The given table of information is,

Preference Education
Less than HS HS Graduate College Graduate Post-Graduate Degree Totals
Romney 30 180 118 10 338
Obama 35 120 218 37 410
Totals 65 300 336 47 748


If the Cramer’s V value is less than 0.10, it is said that there is a weak association between the categories.

If the Cramer’s V value lies between 0.11 and 0.30, it is said that there is a moderate association between the categories.

If the Cramer’s V value is greater than 0.30, it is said that there is a strong association between the categories.

Formula used:

For a chi square, the expected frequency fe is given as,


Where N is the total of frequencies.

The chi square statistic is given by,


Where fo is the observed frequency,

And fe is the expected frequency.

The degrees of freedom for the bivariate table is given as,


Where r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns.

For table larger than 2×2, the Cramer’s V is given by the formula,


Where, χ2 is the chi square value,

N is the total number of elements,

r is the number of rows,

and c is the number of columns.


From the given information,

The observed frequency is given as,


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 65 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 300 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 336 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 47 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 65 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 300 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 336 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 47 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Consider the following table,

fo fe fofe (fofe)2 (fofe)2/fe
30 29.37 0.63 0.40 0.01
180 135.56 44.44 1974.91 14.57
118 151.83 33.83 1144.47 7.54
10 21.24 11.24 126.34 5.95
35 35.63 0.63 0.40 0.01
120 164.44 44.44 1974.91 12.00
218 184.17 33.83 1144.47 6.21
37 25.76 11.24 126.34 4.90
Total 748 748 0 χ2=51.19

The value fofe is obtained as,

Substitute 30 for fo and 29.37 for fe in the above formula.


Squaring the above obtained result,


Divide the above obtained result by fe.


Proceed in a similar manner to obtain rest of the values of (fofe)2/fe and refer above table for the rest of the values of (fofe)2/fe.

The chi square value is given as,


Thus, the chi square value is 51.19.

The level of significance is α=0.05.

Number of rows is 2 and the number of columns of 4.

The degrees of freedom is given by,


And area of critical region is χ2(critical)=7.815.

The Cramer’s V is given by the formula,


Substitute 51.19 for χ2, 2 for r, 4 for c and 748 for N in the above mentioned formula.


Since, 0.26 lies between 0.11 and 0.30 it shows that the strength of association is moderate.

Thus, there is a moderate positive association between education and preference of vote.


There is a moderate positive association between education and preference of vote.

Expert Solution
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To determine


To find:

The column percentages, strength and pattern of relationship.

Answer to Problem 11.5P


There is a moderate positive association between Religion and preference of vote.

Explanation of Solution


The given statement is,

A random sample of 748 voters in a large city was asked how they voted in the presidential election of 2012.

The given table of information is,

Preference Religion
Protestant Catholic Jewish None Other Totals
Romney 165 110 10 28 25 338
Obama 245 55 20 60 30 410
Totals 410 165 30 88 55 748


If the Cramer’s V value is less than 0.10, it is said that there is a weak association between the categories.

If the Cramer’s V value lies between 0.11 and 0.30, it is said that there is a moderate association between the categories.

If the Cramer’s V value is greater than 0.30, it is said that there is a strong association between the categories.

Formula used:

For a chi square, the expected frequency fe is given as,


Where N is the total of frequencies.

The chi square statistic is given by,


Where fo is the observed frequency,

And fe is the expected frequency.

The degrees of freedom for the bivariate table is given as,


Where r is the number of rows and c is the number of columns.

For table larger than 2×2, the Cramer’s V is given by the formula,


Where, χ2 is the chi square value,

N is the total number of elements,

r is the number of rows,

and c is the number of columns.


From the given information,

The observed frequency is given as,


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 410 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 165 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 30 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 88 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 338 for row marginal, 55 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 410 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 165 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 30 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 88 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Substitute 410 for row marginal, 55 for column marginal and 748 for N in equation (1).


Consider the following table,

fo fe fofe (fofe)2 (fofe)2/fe
165 185.27 20.27 410.87 2.22
110 74.56 35.44 1255.99 16.85
10 13.56 3.56 12.67 0.93
28 39.76 11.76 138.30 3.48
25 24.85 0.15 0.02 0.00
245 224.73 20.27 410.87 1.83
55 90.44 35.44 1255.99 13.89
20 16.44 3.56 12.67 0.77
60 48.24 11.76 138.30 2.87
30 30.15 0.15 0.02 0.00
Total 748 748 0 χ2=42.84

The value fofe is obtained as,

Substitute 165 for fo and 185.27 for fe in the above formula.


Squaring the above obtained result,


Divide the above obtained result by fe.


Proceed in a similar manner to obtain rest of the values of (fofe)2/fe and refer above table for the rest of the values of (fofe)2/fe.

The chi square value is given as,


Thus, the chi square value is 42.84.

The level of significance is α=0.05.

Number of rows is 2 and the number of columns of 5.

The degrees of freedom is given by,


And area of critical region is χ2(critical)=9.488.

The Cramer’s V is given by the formula,


Substitute 42.84 for χ2, 2 for r, 5 for c and 748 for N in the above mentioned formula.


Since, 0.24 lies between 0.11 and 0.30 it shows that the strength of association is moderate.

Thus, there is a moderate positive association between Religion and preference of vote.


There is a moderate positive association between Religion and preference of vote.

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