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Providing the most up-to-date and thorough coverage of cost management topics, Hansen/Mowen's CORNERSTONES OF COST MANAGEMENT provides students with a solid foundation with its unique Cornerstones approach. Adapted from the leading Cost Management text also from Don Hansen and Maryanne Mowen, and created from our research on student learning behavior, this text presents concepts in a step-by-step format. This presentation helps students understand the How, Why, and What Ifs of solving and mastering basic cost management topics, while also getting at the conceptual nature of each equation or topic.Hansen/Mowen's CORNERSTONES OF COST MANAGEMENT demonstrates the dynamic, exciting nature of cost accounting in today's changing business environment. The text first covers functional-based cost and control and then activity-based cost systems, giving students the understanding and skills to manage any cost management system. Cornerstones examples throughout each chapter provide students with step-by-step coverage of the How, Why, and What Ifs of solving and mastering basic cost management concepts, while also getting at the conceptual understanding that students often struggle to grasp. This edition's expansive coverage and consistent attention to technical detail provide a thorough, well-researched foundation for learning. It includes new CPA-Type Exercises in each chapter that have been taken directly from past CPA Exams or have been written by the authors to prepare students for their futures in business.
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