Financial Accounting - 7th Edition - by Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton - ISBN 9780538452656

Financial Accounting
7th Edition
Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780538452656

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Book Details

Porter and Norton's real-world approach in FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: THE IMPACT ON DECISION MAKERS, 7/Ed, gives you an up-close perspective on how accounting truly affects businesses today. You will explore an appropriate "focus company" with each chapter, applying accounting principles in the context of that company's specific financial information and business strategy, giving you the real-world experience with financial data you need to succeed in business. Numerous Examples throughout the text are tied to end-of-chapter homework to allow easier completion of assignments and guided study for exams. Further, Porter and Norton's student-friendly, step-by-step decision framework guides you through a 6-step process on how to effectively use financial information early in the course, laying a stronger foundation for the more complex concepts to follow. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: THE IMPACT ON DECISION MAKERS, 7/e, goes beyond typical texts that drill on the numbers and procedures to address additional important issues, such as ethical dilemmas in business decisions and alternate terms you may encounter in the business world. This edition includes a discussion of the current environment of financial reporting, specifically the International Financial Reporting Standards.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Financial Accounting: The Impact On Decision Makers
8th Edition
ISBN: 9781111534875
Financial Accounting (ise): The Alternative To Debits And Credits
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780324645118
Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers
10th Edition
ISBN: 9781305654174
Bundle: Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers, Loose-Leaf Version, 10th Edition + LMS Integrated for CengageNOWv2â„¢, 1 term Printed Access Card
10th Edition
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10th Edition
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Cengagenow For Financial Accounting
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