You are allocating your wealth between two shares, and Circumbendibus Wheels. has volatility 35.10%, while Circumbendibus Wheels has volatility 58.30%. The correlation beteween the two shares' returns is 0.40. What percentage of your wealth should you allocate to to minimise your portfolio's volatility?
You are allocating your wealth between two shares, and Circumbendibus Wheels. has volatility 35.10%, while Circumbendibus Wheels has volatility 58.30%. The correlation beteween the two shares' returns is 0.40. What percentage of your wealth should you allocate to to minimise your portfolio's volatility?

Minimum variance portfolio of two stocks
In order to determine minimum variance portfolio, the weights of stocks are determined that causes the minimum variance for the portfolio.
With volatility or standard deviation of stock T (SDT), volatility or standard deviation of stock C (SDC), weight of stock T (WT), weight of stock C (WC) and correlation between two stocks (Cor), the variance of portfolio is calculated as shown below.
In order to determine minimum variance portfolio, the portfolio should be differentiated with respect to WT and equate the result to zero. Then, whatever the value for comes WT, it represents the weights of stocks in the portfolio, resulting the minimum portfolio variance as shown below.
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