Write code in the AWAIT language that simulates this situation. • Represent the persons P1, P2, P3, F as processes. • You must use SPLIT BINARY SEMAPHORE for synchronization. • Make sure that your solution avoids deadlock. • EXPLAIN very briefly the advantages of using the split binary semaphore.
Three persons P1, P2, and P3 were invited by their friend F to make some smørbrød (sandwich made of bread, eggs, and tomato) together.
To make a portion of smørbrød, three ingredients are needed: a slice of bread, a slice of tomato, and a slice of an egg.
Each of these persons P1, P2, P3 has only one type of each of the ingredients:
- person P1 has slices of bread
- person P2 has slices of tomato;
- person P3 has slices of egg.
We assume that persons P1, P2, and P3 each has an unlimited supply of these ingredients (i.e., slices of bread, slices of tomato, slices of egg), respectively. Their friend F, who invited them, also has an unlimited supply of all the ingredients.
Here is what happens: the host F puts two random ingredients on the table. Then the invited person who has the third ingredient picks up these other two ingredients, and makes the smørbrød (i.e., takes a slice of bread, puts on it a slice of tomato, and puts on top a slice of egg), and then eats the smørbrød. The host of the party F waits for that person to finish. This "cycle" of is then infinitely repeated.
Write code in the AWAIT language that simulates this situation.
• Represent the persons P1, P2, P3, F as processes.
• You must use SPLIT BINARY SEMAPHORE for synchronization.
• Make sure that your solution avoids deadlock.
• EXPLAIN very briefly the advantages of using the split binary semaphore.

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