Write an assembly program that calculates a special sum that behaves as follows: • It requests a positive integer number from the user having any value between 1 and 255. • Once it gets the user input, it sums all the numbers that are equal or less than the user input and that are divisible by 3. As an example, if a user runs the assembly program and provides the value 25 as input, the display should show the following: special sum = 24 +21+ 18+15+12+9+6+3=108 As a programmer, you need to check on the input provided by the user and make sure it is valid (e.g. whether user input is positive and the input is a number, etc). Make sure that you have comments explaining the purpose of your instructions and what you are trying to achieve using it. Please submit a file that contains the code and screenshots of the execution of different numbers. Provide five runs: test the program with 54 and 71 and provide additional three runs of your choice (five runs in total). Provide also the code
Write an assembly program that calculates a special sum that behaves as follows:
• It requests a positive integer number from the user having any value between 1 and 255. • Once it gets the user input, it sums all the numbers that are equal or less than the
user input and that are divisible by 3.
As an example, if a user runs the assembly program and provides the value 25 as input, the display should show the following:
special sum = 24 +21+ 18+15+12+9+6+3=108
As a programmer, you need to check on the input provided by the user and make sure it is valid (e.g. whether user input is positive and the input is a number, etc). Make sure that you have comments explaining the purpose of your instructions and what you are trying to achieve using it.
Please submit a file that contains the code and screenshots of the execution of different numbers. Provide five runs: test the program with 54 and 71 and provide additional three runs of your choice (five runs in total). Provide also the code

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