* Write a program named GuessingGame that generates a random number between 50 and 90. Ask a user to guess the random number, then display the random number and a message indicating whether the user's guess was too high, too low, or correct. Hint: To generate a Random number use Random ranNumberGenerator = new Random(); int randomNumber; randomNumber = ranNumberGenerator.Next(min, max); */
Pls help ASAP.

Step 1: Declare class GuessingGame with the Main() method.
Step 2: Create an instance of Random class.
Step 3: Invoke the Next() method to generate a random number between min and max values passed as arguments.
Step 4: Initialize count to 0 and flag to false.
Step 5: Iterate a loop until count is less than 5. Prompt and accept the guess from the user.
Step 6: Check whether the value entered by the user matches the random number. If it is true, set flag to true. Display the congrats message.
Step 7: Otherwise, increment count. If guess is less than random number, then display that the guess is too low. Otherwise, display that the guess is too high.
Step 8: Check whether flag is false. If it is true, display the random number.
Step by step
Solved in 4 steps with 2 images