write a c++ program: Your time machine is capable of going forward in time up to 24 hours. The machine is configured to jump ahead in minutes. To enter the proper number of minutes into your machine, you would like a program that can take a start time and an end time and calculate the difference in minutes between them. The end time will always be within 24 hours of the start time. Use military notation for both the start and end times (e.g., 0000 for midnight and 2359 for one minute before midnight). Write a function that takes as input a start time and an end time represented as an int, using military notation. The function should return the difference in minutes as an integer. Write a driver program that calls your subroutine with times entered by the user. Hint: Be careful of time intervals that start before midnight and end the following day.
In mathematics and computer science, an operation is an event that is carried out to satisfy a given task. Basic operations of a computer system are input, processing, output, storage, and control.
Basic Operators
An operator is a symbol that indicates an operation to be performed. We are familiar with operators in mathematics; operators used in computer programming are—in many ways—similar to mathematical operators.
Division Operator
We all learnt about division—and the division operator—in school. You probably know of both these symbols as representing division:
Modulus Operator
Modulus can be represented either as (mod or modulo) in computing operation. Modulus comes under arithmetic operations. Any number or variable which produces absolute value is modulus functionality. Magnitude of any function is totally changed by modulo operator as it changes even negative value to positive.
In the realm of programming, operators refer to the symbols that perform some function. They are tasked with instructing the compiler on the type of action that needs to be performed on the values passed as operands. Operators can be used in mathematical formulas and equations. In programming languages like Python, C, and Java, a variety of operators are defined.
write a c++ program:
Your time machine is capable of going forward in time up to 24 hours. The machine is configured to jump ahead in minutes. To enter the proper number of minutes into your machine, you would like a program that can take a start time and an end time and calculate the difference in minutes between them. The end time will always be within 24 hours of the start time. Use military notation for both the start and end times (e.g., 0000 for midnight and 2359 for one minute before midnight).
Write a function that takes as input a start time and an end time represented as an int, using military notation. The function should return the difference in minutes as an integer. Write a driver program that calls your subroutine with times entered by the user.
Hint: Be careful of time intervals that start before midnight and end the following day.
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