Mango Leaves Morphometry
What is this all about?
Mangifera indica (MI), also known as mango, aam, is a large evergreen tree in the anacardiaceae family that grows to a height of 10-45 m, is dome-shaped with dense foliage, typically heavy branched from a stout trunk, and is used as an important herb in the Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for over 4000 years. The leaves are spirally arranged on branches, linear-oblong, lanceolate-elliptic, pointed at both ends, and occasionally much larger. The leaf blades are reddish and thinly flaccid when first formed, and when crushed, they exude an
The Philippines produces 1 million metric tons of mangoes annually (3.5% of global production), with 95% going for domestic use and 5% going for export. The Philippines is the largest exporter of mango in Asia, while Hong Kong and Japan are the two biggest importers. The Philippine Mango is renowned throughout the world as the best-tasting variety of Carabao Mango (Jagdish, 2022).
Why did you do this? What inspired you to do this?
Mango trees are important to the local economy as they are a source of food and income.We also wish to find the rate of similarity based on
phenotypic plasticity expression within high tree variation within the populations may be in part due to the microenvironmental conditions experienced by each tree.
Why is this important?
Mango leaf morphometry, or the measurement and examination of mango leaf physical characteristics, can be crucial for a number of reasons. Based on the traits of the leaves, mango leaves morphometry can assist in differentiating between different species or varieties of mango trees. This can help with mango tree classification and identification, which is crucial for scientific study and conservation efforts.
Mango trees' health and productivity are largely determined by the condition of their leaves. By identifying factors like disease or nutrient deficiencies, morphometric analysis can help determine what may have an impact on the development and yield of mango trees. Utilizing this knowledge will improve crop yields and optimize agricultural procedures.
Who and/or what benefits will be gained by this?
Note: Subparts answers are given above.

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