Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? a. One of the few states in which gerrymandering no longer occurs is New York, where the state legislature prohibits such practices.b. The strategy of dividing the opposing party’s supporters into different districts is known as “packing.”c. Partisan redistricting almost inevitably works to the detriment of incumbents.d. The Supreme Court has been unwilling to review the constitutionality of legislative plans to redraw congressional districts.e. Although the Supreme Court has been willing to review the constitutionality of redistricting plans, the most recent decisions have upheld redistricting plans in Pennsylvania and Texas.

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Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true?

a. One of the few states in which gerrymandering no longer occurs is New York, where the state legislature prohibits such practices.
b. The strategy of dividing the opposing party’s supporters into different districts is known as “packing.”
c. Partisan redistricting almost inevitably works to the detriment of incumbents.
d. The Supreme Court has been unwilling to review the constitutionality of legislative plans to redraw congressional districts.
e. Although the Supreme Court has been willing to review the constitutionality of redistricting plans, the most recent decisions have upheld redistricting plans in Pennsylvania and Texas. 

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