person_ID name address Person birth_date phone_number B date comments Visit outpatient ID Bed bed_number room_number care_centre_ID H person_ID date_hired name Employee CareCentre location HH description item_number unit_cost Consumption patient ID date item_ID time Item quantity total_cost |++ K person_ID contact_date Patient resident_flag name Laboratory location Treatment treatment_ID treatment_number treatment_name +H |++
Map the EER diagram to a relational schema and transform the relation into 3NF.

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

Consider the following query against the RVH
database . Create secondary key indexes to optimize the performance of this query. State any assumptions.For each treatment performed in the past two weeks, list the physicians performing the treatment (grouped by treatment) and the number of times each physician performed that particular treatment on that particular day. Order the list by treatment ID and by reverse chronological order for each treatment ID.
Suppose the date treatment performed was not entered. What procedures are required to handle the missing data?
Are there opportunities for horizontal or vertical partitioning of the
Besides the 3NF relations, what additional types of information are required to create a physical