Daniel and Jan agreed to pay $556,000 for a four-bedroom colonial home in Waltham, Massachusetts, with a $70,000 down payment. They have a 25-year mortgage at a fixed rate of 638638 %. (Use Table 15.1.) a. How much is their monthly payment? Note: Round your answer to the nearest cent. Monthly payment: b. After the first payment, what would be the balance of the principal? Note: Round your answers to the nearest cent. Payment number Portion to interest portion to principal Balance of loan outstanding 1 TABLE 15.1 Amortization table (mortgage principal and interest per $1,000) Rate Interest Only 10 Year 15 Year 20 Year 25 Year 30 Year 40 Year 2.000 0.16667 9.20135 6.43509 5.05883 4.23854 3.69619 3.02826 2.125 0.17708 9.25743 6.49281 5.11825 4.29966 3.75902 3.09444 2.250 0.18750 9.31374 6.55085 5.17808 4.36131 3.82246 3.16142 2.375 0.19792 9.37026 6.60921 5.23834 4.42348 3.88653 3.22921 2.500 0.20833 9.42699 6.66789 5.29903 4.48617 3.95121 3.29778 2.625 0.21875 9.48394 6.72689 5.36014 4.54938 4.01651 3.36714 2.750 0.22917 9.54110 6.78622 5.42166 4.61311 4.08241 3.43728 2.875 0.23958 9.59848 6.84586 5.48361 4.67735 4.14892 3.50818 3.000 0.25000 9.65607 6.90582 5.54598 4.74211 4.21604 3.57984 3.125 0.26042 9.71388 6.96609 5.60876 4.80738 4.28375 3.65226 3.250 0.27083 9.77190 7.02669 5.67196 4.87316 4.35206 3.72541 3.375 0.28125 9.83014 7.08760 5.73557 4.93945 4.42096 3.79930 3.500 0.29167 9.88859 7.14883 5.79960 5.00624 4.49045 3.87391 3.625 0.30208 9.94725 7.21037 5.86404 5.07352 4.56051 3.94923 3.750 0.31250 10.00612 7.27222 5.92888 5.14131 4.63116 4.02526 3.875 0.32292 10.06521 7.33440 5.99414 5.20959 4.70237 4.10198 4.000 0.33333 10.12451 7.39688 6.05980 5.27837 4.77415 4.17938 4.125 0.34375 10.18403 7.45968 6.12587 5.34763 4.84650 4.25746 4.250 0.35417 10.24375 7.52278 6.19234 5.41738 4.91940 4.33620 4.375 0.36458 10.30369 7.58620 6.25922 5.48761 4.99285 4.41559 4.500 0.37500 10.36384 7.64993 6.32649 5.55832 5.06685 4.49563 4.625 0.38542 10.42420 7.71397 6.39417 5.62951 5.14140 4.57629 4.750 0.39583 10.48477 7.77832 6.46224 5.70117 5.21647 4.65758 4.875 0.40625 10.54556 7.84297 6.53070 5.77330 5.29208 4.73947 5.000 0.41667 10.60655 7.90794 6.59956 5.84590 5.36822 4.82197 5.125 0.42708 10.66776 7.97320 6.66881 5.91896 5.44487 4.90505 5.250 0.43750 10.72917 8.03878 6.73844 5.99248 5.52204 4.98870 5.375 0.44792 10.79079 8.10465 6.80847 6.06645 5.59971 5.07293 5.500 0.45833 10.85263 8.17083 6.87887 6.14087 5.67789 5.15770 5.625 0.46875 10.91467 8.23732 6.94966 6.21575 5.75656 5.24302 5.750 0.47917 10.97692 8.30410 7.02084 6.29106 5.83573 5.32888 5.875 0.48958 11.03938 8.37118 7.09238 6.36682 5.91538 5.41525 6.000 0.50000 11.10205 8.43857 7.16431 6.44301 5.99551 5.50214 6.125 0.51042 11.16493 8.50625 7.23661 6.51964 6.07611 5.58952 6.250 0.52083 11.22801 8.57423 7.30928 6.59669 6.15717 5.67740 6.375 0.53125 11.29130 8.64250 7.38232 6.67417 6.23870 5.76575 6.500 0.54167 11.35480 8.71107 7.45573 6.75207 6.32068 5.85457 6.625 0.55208 11.41850 8.77994 7.52950 6.83039 6.40311 5.94385 6.750 0.56250 11.48241 8.84909 7.60364 6.90912 6.48598 6.03357 6.875 0.57292 11.54653 8.91854 7.67814 6.98825 6.56929 6.12373 7.000 0.58333 11.61085 8.98828 7.75299 7.06779 6.65302 6.21431 7.125 0.59375 11.67537 9.05831 7.82820 7.14773 6.73719 6.30531 7.250 0.60417 11.74010 9.12863 7.90376 7.22807 6.82176 6.39672 7.375 0.61458 11.80504 9.19923 7.97967 7.30880 6.90675 6.48852 7.500 0.06250 11.87017 9.27101 8.05593 7.38991 6.99215 6.58071 7.625 0.63542 11.93552 9.34130 8.13254 7.47141 7.07794 6.67327 7.750 0.64583 12.00106 9.41276 8.20949 7.55329 7.16412 6.76620 7.875 0.65625 12.06681 9.48450 8.28677 7.63554 7.25069 6.85948 8.000 0.66667 12.13276 9.55652 8.36440 7.71816 7.33765 6.95312
Daniel and Jan agreed to pay $556,000 for a four-bedroom colonial home in Waltham, Massachusetts, with a $70,000 down payment. They have a 25-year mortgage at a fixed rate of 638638 %. (Use Table 15.1.) a. How much is their monthly payment? Note: Round your answer to the nearest cent. Monthly payment: b. After the first payment, what would be the balance of the principal? Note: Round your answers to the nearest cent. Payment number Portion to interest portion to principal Balance of loan outstanding 1 TABLE 15.1 Amortization table (mortgage principal and interest per $1,000) Rate Interest Only 10 Year 15 Year 20 Year 25 Year 30 Year 40 Year 2.000 0.16667 9.20135 6.43509 5.05883 4.23854 3.69619 3.02826 2.125 0.17708 9.25743 6.49281 5.11825 4.29966 3.75902 3.09444 2.250 0.18750 9.31374 6.55085 5.17808 4.36131 3.82246 3.16142 2.375 0.19792 9.37026 6.60921 5.23834 4.42348 3.88653 3.22921 2.500 0.20833 9.42699 6.66789 5.29903 4.48617 3.95121 3.29778 2.625 0.21875 9.48394 6.72689 5.36014 4.54938 4.01651 3.36714 2.750 0.22917 9.54110 6.78622 5.42166 4.61311 4.08241 3.43728 2.875 0.23958 9.59848 6.84586 5.48361 4.67735 4.14892 3.50818 3.000 0.25000 9.65607 6.90582 5.54598 4.74211 4.21604 3.57984 3.125 0.26042 9.71388 6.96609 5.60876 4.80738 4.28375 3.65226 3.250 0.27083 9.77190 7.02669 5.67196 4.87316 4.35206 3.72541 3.375 0.28125 9.83014 7.08760 5.73557 4.93945 4.42096 3.79930 3.500 0.29167 9.88859 7.14883 5.79960 5.00624 4.49045 3.87391 3.625 0.30208 9.94725 7.21037 5.86404 5.07352 4.56051 3.94923 3.750 0.31250 10.00612 7.27222 5.92888 5.14131 4.63116 4.02526 3.875 0.32292 10.06521 7.33440 5.99414 5.20959 4.70237 4.10198 4.000 0.33333 10.12451 7.39688 6.05980 5.27837 4.77415 4.17938 4.125 0.34375 10.18403 7.45968 6.12587 5.34763 4.84650 4.25746 4.250 0.35417 10.24375 7.52278 6.19234 5.41738 4.91940 4.33620 4.375 0.36458 10.30369 7.58620 6.25922 5.48761 4.99285 4.41559 4.500 0.37500 10.36384 7.64993 6.32649 5.55832 5.06685 4.49563 4.625 0.38542 10.42420 7.71397 6.39417 5.62951 5.14140 4.57629 4.750 0.39583 10.48477 7.77832 6.46224 5.70117 5.21647 4.65758 4.875 0.40625 10.54556 7.84297 6.53070 5.77330 5.29208 4.73947 5.000 0.41667 10.60655 7.90794 6.59956 5.84590 5.36822 4.82197 5.125 0.42708 10.66776 7.97320 6.66881 5.91896 5.44487 4.90505 5.250 0.43750 10.72917 8.03878 6.73844 5.99248 5.52204 4.98870 5.375 0.44792 10.79079 8.10465 6.80847 6.06645 5.59971 5.07293 5.500 0.45833 10.85263 8.17083 6.87887 6.14087 5.67789 5.15770 5.625 0.46875 10.91467 8.23732 6.94966 6.21575 5.75656 5.24302 5.750 0.47917 10.97692 8.30410 7.02084 6.29106 5.83573 5.32888 5.875 0.48958 11.03938 8.37118 7.09238 6.36682 5.91538 5.41525 6.000 0.50000 11.10205 8.43857 7.16431 6.44301 5.99551 5.50214 6.125 0.51042 11.16493 8.50625 7.23661 6.51964 6.07611 5.58952 6.250 0.52083 11.22801 8.57423 7.30928 6.59669 6.15717 5.67740 6.375 0.53125 11.29130 8.64250 7.38232 6.67417 6.23870 5.76575 6.500 0.54167 11.35480 8.71107 7.45573 6.75207 6.32068 5.85457 6.625 0.55208 11.41850 8.77994 7.52950 6.83039 6.40311 5.94385 6.750 0.56250 11.48241 8.84909 7.60364 6.90912 6.48598 6.03357 6.875 0.57292 11.54653 8.91854 7.67814 6.98825 6.56929 6.12373 7.000 0.58333 11.61085 8.98828 7.75299 7.06779 6.65302 6.21431 7.125 0.59375 11.67537 9.05831 7.82820 7.14773 6.73719 6.30531 7.250 0.60417 11.74010 9.12863 7.90376 7.22807 6.82176 6.39672 7.375 0.61458 11.80504 9.19923 7.97967 7.30880 6.90675 6.48852 7.500 0.06250 11.87017 9.27101 8.05593 7.38991 6.99215 6.58071 7.625 0.63542 11.93552 9.34130 8.13254 7.47141 7.07794 6.67327 7.750 0.64583 12.00106 9.41276 8.20949 7.55329 7.16412 6.76620 7.875 0.65625 12.06681 9.48450 8.28677 7.63554 7.25069 6.85948 8.000 0.66667 12.13276 9.55652 8.36440 7.71816 7.33765 6.95312
Essentials Of Investments
11th Edition
Author:Bodie, Zvi, Kane, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J.
Publisher:Bodie, Zvi, Kane, Alex, MARCUS, Alan J.
Chapter1: Investments: Background And Issues
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1PS
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Daniel and Jan agreed to pay $556,000 for a four-bedroom colonial home in Waltham, Massachusetts, with a $70,000 down payment. They have a 25-year mortgage at a fixed rate of 638638 %. (Use Table 15.1.)
a. How much is their monthly payment?
Note: Round your answer to the nearest cent.
Monthly payment:
b. After the first payment, what would be the balance of the principal?
Note: Round your answers to the nearest cent.
Payment number | Portion to interest | portion to principal | Balance of loan outstanding |
1 |
TABLE 15.1
Amortization table (mortgage principal and interest per $1,000)
Rate | Interest Only | 10 Year | 15 Year | 20 Year | 25 Year | 30 Year | 40 Year |
2.000 | 0.16667 | 9.20135 | 6.43509 | 5.05883 | 4.23854 | 3.69619 | 3.02826 |
2.125 | 0.17708 | 9.25743 | 6.49281 | 5.11825 | 4.29966 | 3.75902 | 3.09444 |
2.250 | 0.18750 | 9.31374 | 6.55085 | 5.17808 | 4.36131 | 3.82246 | 3.16142 |
2.375 | 0.19792 | 9.37026 | 6.60921 | 5.23834 | 4.42348 | 3.88653 | 3.22921 |
2.500 | 0.20833 | 9.42699 | 6.66789 | 5.29903 | 4.48617 | 3.95121 | 3.29778 |
2.625 | 0.21875 | 9.48394 | 6.72689 | 5.36014 | 4.54938 | 4.01651 | 3.36714 |
2.750 | 0.22917 | 9.54110 | 6.78622 | 5.42166 | 4.61311 | 4.08241 | 3.43728 |
2.875 | 0.23958 | 9.59848 | 6.84586 | 5.48361 | 4.67735 | 4.14892 | 3.50818 |
3.000 | 0.25000 | 9.65607 | 6.90582 | 5.54598 | 4.74211 | 4.21604 | 3.57984 |
3.125 | 0.26042 | 9.71388 | 6.96609 | 5.60876 | 4.80738 | 4.28375 | 3.65226 |
3.250 | 0.27083 | 9.77190 | 7.02669 | 5.67196 | 4.87316 | 4.35206 | 3.72541 |
3.375 | 0.28125 | 9.83014 | 7.08760 | 5.73557 | 4.93945 | 4.42096 | 3.79930 |
3.500 | 0.29167 | 9.88859 | 7.14883 | 5.79960 | 5.00624 | 4.49045 | 3.87391 |
3.625 | 0.30208 | 9.94725 | 7.21037 | 5.86404 | 5.07352 | 4.56051 | 3.94923 |
3.750 | 0.31250 | 10.00612 | 7.27222 | 5.92888 | 5.14131 | 4.63116 | 4.02526 |
3.875 | 0.32292 | 10.06521 | 7.33440 | 5.99414 | 5.20959 | 4.70237 | 4.10198 |
4.000 | 0.33333 | 10.12451 | 7.39688 | 6.05980 | 5.27837 | 4.77415 | 4.17938 |
4.125 | 0.34375 | 10.18403 | 7.45968 | 6.12587 | 5.34763 | 4.84650 | 4.25746 |
4.250 | 0.35417 | 10.24375 | 7.52278 | 6.19234 | 5.41738 | 4.91940 | 4.33620 |
4.375 | 0.36458 | 10.30369 | 7.58620 | 6.25922 | 5.48761 | 4.99285 | 4.41559 |
4.500 | 0.37500 | 10.36384 | 7.64993 | 6.32649 | 5.55832 | 5.06685 | 4.49563 |
4.625 | 0.38542 | 10.42420 | 7.71397 | 6.39417 | 5.62951 | 5.14140 | 4.57629 |
4.750 | 0.39583 | 10.48477 | 7.77832 | 6.46224 | 5.70117 | 5.21647 | 4.65758 |
4.875 | 0.40625 | 10.54556 | 7.84297 | 6.53070 | 5.77330 | 5.29208 | 4.73947 |
5.000 | 0.41667 | 10.60655 | 7.90794 | 6.59956 | 5.84590 | 5.36822 | 4.82197 |
5.125 | 0.42708 | 10.66776 | 7.97320 | 6.66881 | 5.91896 | 5.44487 | 4.90505 |
5.250 | 0.43750 | 10.72917 | 8.03878 | 6.73844 | 5.99248 | 5.52204 | 4.98870 |
5.375 | 0.44792 | 10.79079 | 8.10465 | 6.80847 | 6.06645 | 5.59971 | 5.07293 |
5.500 | 0.45833 | 10.85263 | 8.17083 | 6.87887 | 6.14087 | 5.67789 | 5.15770 |
5.625 | 0.46875 | 10.91467 | 8.23732 | 6.94966 | 6.21575 | 5.75656 | 5.24302 |
5.750 | 0.47917 | 10.97692 | 8.30410 | 7.02084 | 6.29106 | 5.83573 | 5.32888 |
5.875 | 0.48958 | 11.03938 | 8.37118 | 7.09238 | 6.36682 | 5.91538 | 5.41525 |
6.000 | 0.50000 | 11.10205 | 8.43857 | 7.16431 | 6.44301 | 5.99551 | 5.50214 |
6.125 | 0.51042 | 11.16493 | 8.50625 | 7.23661 | 6.51964 | 6.07611 | 5.58952 |
6.250 | 0.52083 | 11.22801 | 8.57423 | 7.30928 | 6.59669 | 6.15717 | 5.67740 |
6.375 | 0.53125 | 11.29130 | 8.64250 | 7.38232 | 6.67417 | 6.23870 | 5.76575 |
6.500 | 0.54167 | 11.35480 | 8.71107 | 7.45573 | 6.75207 | 6.32068 | 5.85457 |
6.625 | 0.55208 | 11.41850 | 8.77994 | 7.52950 | 6.83039 | 6.40311 | 5.94385 |
6.750 | 0.56250 | 11.48241 | 8.84909 | 7.60364 | 6.90912 | 6.48598 | 6.03357 |
6.875 | 0.57292 | 11.54653 | 8.91854 | 7.67814 | 6.98825 | 6.56929 | 6.12373 |
7.000 | 0.58333 | 11.61085 | 8.98828 | 7.75299 | 7.06779 | 6.65302 | 6.21431 |
7.125 | 0.59375 | 11.67537 | 9.05831 | 7.82820 | 7.14773 | 6.73719 | 6.30531 |
7.250 | 0.60417 | 11.74010 | 9.12863 | 7.90376 | 7.22807 | 6.82176 | 6.39672 |
7.375 | 0.61458 | 11.80504 | 9.19923 | 7.97967 | 7.30880 | 6.90675 | 6.48852 |
7.500 | 0.06250 | 11.87017 | 9.27101 | 8.05593 | 7.38991 | 6.99215 | 6.58071 |
7.625 | 0.63542 | 11.93552 | 9.34130 | 8.13254 | 7.47141 | 7.07794 | 6.67327 |
7.750 | 0.64583 | 12.00106 | 9.41276 | 8.20949 | 7.55329 | 7.16412 | 6.76620 |
7.875 | 0.65625 | 12.06681 | 9.48450 | 8.28677 | 7.63554 | 7.25069 | 6.85948 |
8.000 | 0.66667 | 12.13276 | 9.55652 | 8.36440 | 7.71816 | 7.33765 | 6.95312 |
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