What is the age of the parallel ridges in the northwestern part of the state
Applications and Investigations in Earth Science (9th Edition)
9th Edition
Author:Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis G. Tasa
Publisher:Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis G. Tasa
Chapter1: The Study Of Minerals
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1LR
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What is the age of the parallel ridges in the northwestern part of the state?

Transcribed Image Text:O gheat einationAn upi the Bellefontaine
A lare lak, called La , frd in the muperal ni
bedrck that a p dte f p
Erhut untnded overa m
Ohip Ancent Lake Maumee water lavela wire anout 20
imu ad of lla Oh the
Purn ite headwat in Narth c
Virginia nd 1 o valey it
The ne
This map depicta the topographic relief of Ohin'a landacape using color
to mupent elevation intervale. The colariaed topography has been digi-
tally shaded from the northweat alightly above the horizon to give the a
lier impoded the outhward-advancing glaciers, causing them to split into
two lobes, the Miami Lobe on the west and the Scisto Labe on the east
Ridgen of thick aaumulations of glacial material, called moraines, drape
arund the outlier and ae distinct feature on the map. Some maraines in
pearance of a three-dimensional surface. The map in band on elevation
data from the U.S. Geological Survey'a National Elevation Dutaset; the
grid spacing for the data in 30 meters. Lake Erie water deptha are derived
from National Oevanie and Atmospheric Administration data. This digi-
tally derived map showa detaila of Ohios topography unlike any map aof
the past. Some of Ohis'e more striking topographic features are outlined
an the int map below and deneribed in the following paragrapha.
re more than 200 milen long. Twe other glacial laben, the Killbuck
and the Grand River Laben, ae prnt in the northern and northeastem
portiona of the wtate.
4 Eastern Continendal DivideA continental drainage divide extende
o are
eant-weat acro northerm Ohin Surface water north of this divide flow
northward to Lake Erin, eventually over Niagara Falla into lake Ontario,
l inte
a the Atlantic Oonan. Surface water south of the divide flowa south
to the Ohin River, the Minsisippi River, and eventually into the Gulf of
Mexica. The divide fallowe the cresta of glacial moraines in wutern Ohin.
In north-central and nartheastern Ohin, the divide followa bedrock-con-
trolled hilla and glacial valleya containing thick glacial-lake deponita.
Ancient Lahe Mammer ahoreline-About
tizental joe pheet retreated northward sero Ohin. The St. La
14.000 veara am the last e
lawrne Bea
way wan blocked by glacial ien, and glacial meltwater crmatod laku in front
timaf Lake
Leku Maumen,
d in the guneral pinl-
modern I
Waash Rever
Beache and
The ancient
± sandy
beachen are visihle on the map an long, thin ridgea on the aurrounding flat
laku terrain. Other beach ridgen farmed a ti
before rising to ita current level of approsimately 572 fest above a level.
Lake Erie in the ahallowest of the Grat Laken and has three hasine the
wentern (average 30 foet in depth), central (averagea 60 feet in depth).
and eastern (not ahown on map averagua 80 feet in depth; maximum depth
in ahout 212 et).
6 Ohio'a lancent elesation-The lowt urlace elevation in Ohio is about
455 foet abervre ea level and in located where the Ohio River exita the state
at the extreme uthwenten
the water level receded in stage
a comer of Ohio.
A north-aouth-tnnding remnant of the
1 Ohio in distinetly viaible an thia map.
the Teaya River lowed northweat
a the area of prent
Pram rrinin and We
Wheeleraburg. The Teaya River cut a
d through southern Ohin. This valley, partially filled with clay,
tand sand, containa only a small stream today and remaina dearly vie-
ible on the map a far as Chillicothe. North of Chillicnthe, the valley in
buried beneath hundreda of fet of glacial udiment but can be traced ue-
ing well data to Circleville the buried valley then turna northwtward,
pasing beneath Rpringfield and Grand Lake St. Marys and into etem
Indiana. In parta of wotern Ohin, the valley lina benenth 700 fet of gla-
aally derived material. The vallay commenly in about 200 to 300 feet deep
and han teep to near-vertical walle.
3 Allegheny Eararpmentlleyund the glacial boundary the Allegheny
Ecarpment of outhern
land surface changen ahruptly from the flatter, lower terrain in the weet,
which is underlain by soft carbonate rocks, to the higher, steeper terrain
in the east, which is underlain by ahale and sandatone. To the narth, the
Rcarpment was afficted by glaciation, making it a le distinet topo-
graphic Seature. The Allegheny Escarpment curreaponda to a alight in-
crease in the dip (tilt) of the mck layura a they dencnd eastward into
the Appalachian Basin.
9 Sarfae lineament-A wt-northwest-trending lineament (a linear to
V - Circleville
C - Chillicothe
G- Grand Lake St. Marya w = Wheelersburg
Direction of
ice flow in
glacial lobes S = Springfield
1 Glacial boundary-Cantinental ice aheuta several thousand Soet thick
ulpted about two-thirds of Ohin'a landacape and, upon melting, deposited
material formerly incorporated in or beneath the ice. This boundary marka
the wouthernmt known extent of glacial ice in Ohin. Topography in the
glaciated partion of Ohio ia mnth compared te the highly discted,
Ohin in farther
marth than the boundary in weaterm Ohio becaune the erasion-ristant
bedrock hilla in enstern Ohio impeded uthward glacial advances.
glacial boundary in central and hwentern Ohio typically eprenta the
agu glacier
marks a distinet change in topography. The
unglaciated part of Ohin. The glacial boundary in eastern
The ast-weat-ariented boundary
mum advan of Winconsinan-age (14,000-24,000 year ago) glaciera.
2 Nlinsian till area-Thin till (an unsorted mixture of glacially depas-
ited clay, silt, sand, and cobblea) af Ilinaian age in at the urface in a 10- to pgraphic
40-mile-wide belt between the Illincian and Winconsinan maximum ad-
e mi.
Seature an the Karth's urfis) aro at-ntral Ohio is dia-
an the
River flow in portiona of this linear topagraphic deprmion.
n thie belt is trnic
tintly vinibl md
= till plaina to the north and wt and the dinected,
1 bedrock to the scutheast. The urface deposita in thin belt are
a by lo (wind-blown silt) over thin till an ridge tope and
ea ia reterred to as the
has beun attributed to fractures in the urface
d la laulta pent denper in the hurfaen.
, north-northeast-trunding, ridgelike
Drainage Divide, named after the Belmont
nal Surfae water west
r ix an erosional remnant of Devonian-age lime- aof the divide flow wstward into a rion af low-gradient creeks, auch an
the Sandy, Comotton, and Stillwater, and then to the Tuscarawan River.
Surface water eaat of the divide flowa astwand into a rin of high-gradi-
ent, rapidly down-cutting creeka that flow into the Ohio River. The ridge in
at an elevation of about 1,260 to 1,280 fet above ea level and paraten
Although poorly understond, thie feature,
10 Flashing
in santem Ohin in the Fluhing
y village of Flushing where it isul
thick colluvium (weathered hedrock) on slopea.
portiona of Champaipn, Lagan, and Union Countien in west-
central Ohia The outlier
atone, dolomite, and ahale that lion 25 milon weat of the main outerop
of Devanian-age rock in Franklin and Delaware Countien in central Ohis.
The outlier in mantled by up to 100 fret of till, which adda to the outliers
beight. Campbell Hill, the highest elevation in Ohio at 1,549 fiet above
a level, in an the outlier. The higher, mare sistant bedrock of the cut-
two ald Tay-era drainage haina.
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