What is “Rosa’s Law” ?
What is “Rosa’s Law” ?

Rosa's Law is a United States law which supplanted a few examples of "mental retardation" in law with "intellectual disability". The bill was presented as S.2781 in the United States Senate on November 17, 2009, by Barbara Mikulski (D-MD). It passed the Senate consistently on August 5, 2010, at that point the House of Representatives on September 22, and was endorsed into law by President Barack Obama on October 5. The law is named for Rosa Marcellino, a young lady with Down Syndrome who was nine years old when it became law, and who, as indicated by President Barack Obama, "worked with her folks and her kin to have the words 'mentally impeded' authoritatively eliminated from the wellbeing and schooling code in her home province of Maryland."
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