What did voluntary associations try to accomplish?

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What did voluntary associations try to accomplish?

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Step 1 Introduction

Voluntary associations generally consist of groups of individuals who voluntarily gather for achieving a common purpose.

Step 2 Explanation

Voluntary associations generally work as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Their main aim is to work in citizens' interest and make citizens' lives more comfortable by taking up their issues and problems and diverting the government's attention towards the issues.

Voluntary organizations try to accomplish the following things:

  1. They try to make suitable changes in society by pressurizing the government to create policies for bringing social change.
  2. They try to uplift the socially backward people by organizing funds for them and systematically managing them for their betterment.
  3. They protest against the government or against the capitalist industries in the form of trade unions to deliver laborers' rights.
  4. They try to build a connection between the government and the voters.
  5. NGOs also act in policy-making by giving their opinions on the issues to deliver a significant policy outcome.
  6. Voluntary associations attempt to organize diverse groups of people into one large group or organization to fight against government wrongdoings.
  7. NGOs also play an essential role in utilizing corporate social responsibility(CSR) as many companies directly give their CSR funds to the NGOs. Then the association uses that for the betterment of society.

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