What could have caused Serpent Mound Impact Structure?

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What could have caused Serpent Mound Impact Structure?

Sean D. Logan, Director
This map in a generalization of the Bedruck Gelogie Map of
Ohin (Slucher and others, 2006the first wtatewide 1-500,000-ale
bedrock-gologgy map compiled by the Ohio Division of Geolagical
Survey since 1920 and the first to properly portray the bedrock
geology that enista heneuth the xtensive depeite of Quatermary
Hediments that cover much of the bodrck in the state. Overall,
Quaternary (about 1.8 million year ago to preent)-Unn-
alidated sedimente till, gravel, and, silt, elay, and organie
debris. Continental origin. (Shown in cro ection anly)
Tad Sridkland Govemar
Lary Widtrom, Chief
Perieet of widenpread eraaion
of Ohio cuneiste f flat lying to puntly dipping
carbonate, silicielastic,
Pemian and Pennsylvanian (about 28 to 302 millisn year
ago-Sedimentary ocks: mainly shale, sandstone, siltstane,
mudetone, and miner coal. Continental origin.
range in age from
depth, a
Hection, older dimentary, igne, and
range from Lower Ordovician to Mesoproteneic in age occur. At
the urface, an
nary sediments conceal most bedrack unite occurring northward
and westward od the glacial margin.
Strata of the Ordovician System are the eldeat expoed rocks
in Oio and .
quence. Silurian
amounts of ahale. Rocke of the Dvunian Hywtem consiet of twe con Peried of aidrapread erasion
trasting typen.
carbonate rock whereas Upper Devonian-age cks consist
of clastic racka In Champaen and Legan Countin. Devonian eke
Ecur on a mall ersional remnant referred to a the Bellefiuntaine
metamerhie rocke that
Pennaylvanian (about 302 to 307 million yuare agn) Sodimen-
tary rucks mainly shale, sandetone, niltatona, mudatone, lime-
wtone, and some conl. Continental and marine crigin.
irregular veneer of mainly unconsolidated Quater-
Pennaylvanian (abaut 307 to S18 million yvars ago-Sedimen-
tary mcke mainly sandatana, siltatama, ahale, and anglomer-
ate, with ome aual and limetone. Deltaic and marine origin.
ainet aternating shale and limestone
m atrata are montly dolomites with laer
mainly of
rORD w
Lower and Middle Dvonian-age trata are mainly
Misaissippian (abeut 322 to 30 million years aga)-Sedimen-
tary rocke: andstne, whale, iltetone, nglomerte, and mi-
mar limestone. Marine to marginal marine origin.
r by geolagista. Coincidentally, the highast topographic print
in Ohis (Campbell Hill-1,549 Soet above sa level) accurs aleo in
this aren.
Devonian (about 389 to 38 million yuar agol-Sedimentary
muck mainly ahale and siltstone with wame sandetone. Ma-
rine to marginal marine origin.
The Carboniferous System in divided into two Subystems, the
Misninippian and Pennylvanian. Mississippian strata are
Devonian about 385 te 407 millien year agSedimentary
mcks mainly limetone and dolomite with ome shale, and
minor sandatone. Marine and onlian arigin.
shales and andetone that occur locally in vari pupartaons
Pennylvanian strata consist mainly of a divere array of altermat-
ing aandstones, siltetonen, shalon, udatonen, limestones, and un-
derelays; enomic cal bede ocur alo in portions of this equence.
Group, urw nly in outheastern Ohin and eensiste of strata
to the underlying Upper Pennylvanian-
auge rucks however, the age of the Dunkand Group has boen de-
The voungt interval of edimentary rocks in Ohin, tl
Period of wideaprmad erasion
Silurian (abeut 416 te 423 million yeare np Hedimentary
mucke dalomite, anhydrite, oprum, salt, and shale. Marine
and mtrieted marine origin.
in cmposition
bated since the late 1800s. Dunkard strata contain a well-atudied
late Penneylvanian-age assembilage of plant fonils with infrequent
arly Purmian-am
Silurian (about 423 te 4 million yurs agolSedimentary
ncke dolamite and shale with ome limestane. Marine origin.
-age farms. Yet, fonil plant sporos found in coal bede
ta late, but net lateet Punnerlvanian
until more definitive ksila are found, geologiet ure un
of the Dunkard Grup heyanda
the interval only
ombined Permian-Pennaylvanian age ansignmont.
In west-central Ohio, the ancient Teaya River sywtem entended
acro much of Ohio during the late Nangane to arly Quaternary
Pariode and wulptured an
valleys into the bedrock wurface. The spatial configuration of many
goologie unita on this map clearly reflecte the major channel net-
works of the furmer deninage yatema. Aln, four majcr regional
structural gnlagy elemente affeet the apatial distribution of rocks
in Ohir the Appalachian and Michigan hin, and the Cincinnati
and Findlay arche which occur between the two basins. Locally,
everal high-angle normal faulte displace rocks in the state.
The Serpent Mound Impact Structure in southern Ohio in a
circular ara of defarmed and beoken rocka that is appraximately
firur and one-half miles in diameter. Recunt investigations indicate
the fenture is the result of a meteorite impact believed to have oe-
curred between 26 and 33 million yar a
Cross ection A-A' traver Ohio from the northwest to the
Peried of widespred emaien
determine the
esact age
o on
Ordovician (aberut 4 to 450 million year ngSedimentary
mcke shale and limetone. Marine origin.
|Ordovician (nlrut 40 t 40 million years ago-Bedimentary
of deuply dincted
meke limeston and shale. Marine arigin.
Peried of wideapread ermsion
Serpent Mound
Impact Structure
Ordovician and Cambrian (abut 4tS10million yar go
Sedimentary ncka: mainly dolomite, Kandetone, shale, with mi-
ner limotone. Marine arigin. (Shown in cro action amly)
Perieet of wideupread ermaion
oton en
40 miles
Neaproterozoic (batween 900 millim and 1 billiom year
ago-Motamarphic mcks: gneins, schist, amphibalite, and
marble; and igner rocks: granite. Farm during culliion of
tectonic platen. (Shown in cron ection anly)
r tion ny
1o 20 30 40 50 kilometers
s tion any
HEutheast and
I interacte the utherm pertion of the Michigan Ba-
Hin, the area betwoen the Cincinnati and Findlny arche, and the
wtern Appalachian Basin, respectively. The stratigraphic unite
shown in this profile illustrate the brad, arching geometric distor-
ton to the hedrck in Ohin created mainly by periode of tecternie
Mesoproterazoic (betwoon 1.0 and 12 hillion yeare ago-Sedi-
mentary rocke: sandetone and silttone; and igneou meke ba-
alt and rhyolite. Farm during rifting of continental landmann.
Shown in crooction only)
Clarial Mg
unena within these regional structural hasins. For specific
details on th varie reck unit onomic mmodition, and go-
Iogie hazarda within Ohin, ee either the printed or digital venion
of the Bedruck Geologie Map of Ohin Sluher and thes, 200).
Both products are availahle for purchase by contacting the ODNR
Gealogie Recarde Center by calling 614-265-6576 ar emailing:
Perisd of wideapread erasion
Mesopraterazoie (betwoen 1.45 and 1. llien years ag-le
|ecun racke granite and rhyolite. Foemed during crustal evolu-
tion and differentintion. Nhown in e tion only
ngam C a a
Transcribed Image Text:DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Sean D. Logan, Director This map in a generalization of the Bedruck Gelogie Map of Ohin (Slucher and others, 2006the first wtatewide 1-500,000-ale bedrock-gologgy map compiled by the Ohio Division of Geolagical Survey since 1920 and the first to properly portray the bedrock geology that enista heneuth the xtensive depeite of Quatermary Hediments that cover much of the bodrck in the state. Overall, Quaternary (about 1.8 million year ago to preent)-Unn- alidated sedimente till, gravel, and, silt, elay, and organie debris. Continental origin. (Shown in cro ection anly) STATE OF OHo Tad Sridkland Govemar DIVSION OF GEOLOGICAL SUMEY Lary Widtrom, Chief BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF OНІО ATLA Perieet of widenpread eraaion bedrock of Ohio cuneiste f flat lying to puntly dipping glagy carbonate, silicielastic, the Pemian and Pennsylvanian (about 28 to 302 millisn year ago-Sedimentary ocks: mainly shale, sandstone, siltstane, mudetone, and miner coal. Continental origin. range in age from Upper depth, a Hection, older dimentary, igne, and range from Lower Ordovician to Mesoproteneic in age occur. At the urface, an nary sediments conceal most bedrack unite occurring northward and westward od the glacial margin. Strata of the Ordovician System are the eldeat expoed rocks in Oio and . quence. Silurian amounts of ahale. Rocke of the Dvunian Hywtem consiet of twe con Peried of aidrapread erasion trasting typen. carbonate rock whereas Upper Devonian-age cks consist of clastic racka In Champaen and Legan Countin. Devonian eke Ecur on a mall ersional remnant referred to a the Bellefiuntaine metamerhie rocke that Pennaylvanian (about 302 to 307 million yuare agn) Sodimen- tary rucks mainly shale, sandetone, niltatona, mudatone, lime- wtone, and some conl. Continental and marine crigin. LORNIM irregular veneer of mainly unconsolidated Quater- HURON Pennaylvanian (abaut 307 to S18 million yvars ago-Sedimen- tary mcke mainly sandatana, siltatama, ahale, and anglomer- ate, with ome aual and limetone. Deltaic and marine origin. ainet aternating shale and limestone m atrata are montly dolomites with laer mainly of VAN Y rORD w Lower and Middle Dvonian-age trata are mainly aial Margie HARDIN Misaissippian (abeut 322 to 30 million years aga)-Sedimen- tary rocke: andstne, whale, iltetone, nglomerte, and mi- mar limestone. Marine to marginal marine origin. Ouel r by geolagista. Coincidentally, the highast topographic print in Ohis (Campbell Hill-1,549 Soet above sa level) accurs aleo in this aren. Devonian (about 389 to 38 million yuar agol-Sedimentary muck mainly ahale and siltstone with wame sandetone. Ma- rine to marginal marine origin. LON The Carboniferous System in divided into two Subystems, the Misninippian and Pennylvanian. Mississippian strata are mty Devonian about 385 te 407 millien year agSedimentary mcks mainly limetone and dolomite with ome shale, and minor sandatone. Marine and onlian arigin. shales and andetone that occur locally in vari pupartaons Pennylvanian strata consist mainly of a divere array of altermat- ing aandstones, siltetonen, shalon, udatonen, limestones, and un- derelays; enomic cal bede ocur alo in portions of this equence. Dunkard Group, urw nly in outheastern Ohin and eensiste of strata to the underlying Upper Pennylvanian- auge rucks however, the age of the Dunkand Group has boen de- The voungt interval of edimentary rocks in Ohin, tl the Period of wideaprmad erasion Silurian (abeut 416 te 423 million yeare np Hedimentary mucke dalomite, anhydrite, oprum, salt, and shale. Marine and mtrieted marine origin. in cmposition ONSAN bated since the late 1800s. Dunkard strata contain a well-atudied late Penneylvanian-age assembilage of plant fonils with infrequent arly Purmian-am Silurian (about 423 te 4 million yurs agolSedimentary ncke dolamite and shale with ome limestane. Marine origin. -age farms. Yet, fonil plant sporos found in coal bede ta late, but net lateet Punnerlvanian until more definitive ksila are found, geologiet ure un of the Dunkard Grup heyanda the interval only able Than ombined Permian-Pennaylvanian age ansignmont. In west-central Ohio, the ancient Teaya River sywtem entended acro much of Ohio during the late Nangane to arly Quaternary Pariode and wulptured an valleys into the bedrock wurface. The spatial configuration of many goologie unita on this map clearly reflecte the major channel net- works of the furmer deninage yatema. Aln, four majcr regional structural gnlagy elemente affeet the apatial distribution of rocks in Ohir the Appalachian and Michigan hin, and the Cincinnati and Findlay arche which occur between the two basins. Locally, everal high-angle normal faulte displace rocks in the state. The Serpent Mound Impact Structure in southern Ohio in a circular ara of defarmed and beoken rocka that is appraximately firur and one-half miles in diameter. Recunt investigations indicate the fenture is the result of a meteorite impact believed to have oe- curred between 26 and 33 million yar a Cross ection A-A' traver Ohio from the northwest to the in Peried of widespred emaien Key to determine the esact age Quaternary o on Ordovician (aberut 4 to 450 million year ngSedimentary mcke shale and limetone. Marine origin. |Ordovician (nlrut 40 t 40 million years ago-Bedimentary Permian-Pennaytvanian etwurk of deuply dincted Pennaylvanian meke limeston and shale. Marine arigin. Mississippian Peried of wideapread ermsion Serpent Mound Impact Structure Devonian Ordovician and Cambrian (abut 4tS10million yar go Sedimentary ncka: mainly dolomite, Kandetone, shale, with mi- ner limotone. Marine arigin. (Shown in cro action amly) Silurian Ordovician Perieet of wideupread ermaion Ordovician-Cambrian oton en 40 miles Neaproterozoic (batween 900 millim and 1 billiom year ago-Motamarphic mcks: gneins, schist, amphibalite, and marble; and igner rocks: granite. Farm during culliion of tectonic platen. (Shown in cron ection anly) Neoproteroeoic r tion ny 1o 20 30 40 50 kilometers Mesoproteropic s tion any HEutheast and I interacte the utherm pertion of the Michigan Ba- Hin, the area betwoen the Cincinnati and Findlny arche, and the Fault wtern Appalachian Basin, respectively. The stratigraphic unite shown in this profile illustrate the brad, arching geometric distor- ton to the hedrck in Ohin created mainly by periode of tecternie Mesoproterazoic (betwoon 1.0 and 12 hillion yeare ago-Sedi- mentary rocke: sandetone and silttone; and igneou meke ba- alt and rhyolite. Farm during rifting of continental landmann. Shown in crooction only) Clarial Mg MOAN amACHAN N unena within these regional structural hasins. For specific puheideno details on th varie reck unit onomic mmodition, and go- Iogie hazarda within Ohin, ee either the printed or digital venion of the Bedruck Geologie Map of Ohin Sluher and thes, 200). Both products are availahle for purchase by contacting the ODNR Gealogie Recarde Center by calling 614-265-6576 ar emailing: geurveydnr.state.oh.u. Perisd of wideapread erasion Mesopraterazoie (betwoen 1.45 and 1. llien years ag-le |ecun racke granite and rhyolite. Foemed during crustal evolu- tion and differentintion. Nhown in e tion only COINT RT MEN ngam C a a MaRgne
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