What are some types of social dilemmas, and how do they differ from one another?
What are some types of social dilemmas, and how do they differ from one another?

The prisoner's dilemma was developed as a game by a mathematician. This involves the story of two prisoners who are separately given the choice to either keep quiet or to testify against the other. The pay-offs are designed in a way that in order to access it, both of them will testify against each other but they are worse off this way than keeping quiet.
Commons dilemma was found in 1968 in an article by Garrett Hardin. It is inspired by the metaphor of the Tragedy of the commons. This is on a shared utility that people need to share and the resource is limited. If everyone is on conserving mode, they can have the utility last longer, but in this case, there will form one abuser who would resort to using it in abundance, and hence they would lose the utility and even if they decide to use it by charging the cash for it depending on the usage, then they would run out economically. Thus, it is called the tragedy of the commons.
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