What are society’s basic needs?
What are society’s basic needs?

If a society is to function, it must meet specific essential needs or meet certain required conditions. The functional pre-requisites of society are the critical needs or requirements of society's life.
The identification of functional pre-requisites is a point of contention among sociologists. Some sociologists consider social stratification to be an essential pre-requisite, while others consider reproduction and socialization practical.
In consideration of sociologists' viewpoints into account, the following functional needs and pre-requisites of society can be established:
Provision for basic needs satisfaction
Food, clothes, and shelter are fundamental requirements for all members of society. Aside from that, man requires security to protect his members. Every society has a defense mechanism.
Newborn children are supposed to learn social values, norms, and behavioral structures. Members of the society are provided with a framework by which they can learn how to live in a social setting. As a result, socialization is a necessary component of culture.
There is a social relationship in every society. Mutual knowledge, as well as mutual dependency and cooperation, exist among individuals in a society. Individuals are intertwined in a network of dependency. There is a social relationship in every society. Mutual knowledge, as well as mutual dependency and cooperation, exist among individuals in a society. Individuals are intertwined in a network of dependency.
Social control
Some individuals in a community do not behave in accordance with society's wishes. Any society devises a system known as a social control to get these people into line. Any society regulates its members' anti-social behavior through social regulation.
Goal attainment
Another practical requirement is the achievement of goals. It entails
- Setting goals,
- Members of society are motivated to accomplish those goals, and they are mobilized to do so.
It is yet another necessary condition for society's survival. Older members pass on. In most cases, new members take their place. Otherwise, society will perish.
Division of labor
There is a division of labor in society, and there is interdependence. Suppose a person performs one role while another performs another. The division of labor in simple societies was based solely on sex, age, and capacity. The division of labor in industrial societies has become more complicated.
A system of role allocation
Every society must have a system in place for deciding who will fill what positions at what times and for what purposes. It is referred to as "role allocation." The proper distribution of roles among members reduces societal problems. Otherwise, civilization could be on the verge of collapsing.
A system of communication
In the absence of a production mechanism, no community will work. Techniques and organization are involved. These development techniques are taught to humans through observation, participation, and guidance. Person and collective aspects of production exist. Man accomplishes many things as a result of his collective efforts.
A system of production
There is no way for a society to survive without a productive structure. Techniques and planning are involved. Observation, interaction, and training are all ways in which humans practice development techniques. Person and group efforts go into production. By collective action, man achieves a great deal.
A system of distribution
Distribution and production are inextricably linked. Producers were the buyers of simpler cultures. It is not the case in complex cultures. Some people are unable to produce and can only eat. Kids, the sick, and the disabled, for example. Consumption is often provided for these citizens by society. Incorrect distribution may lead to social conflict.
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