- /wc [-clw] [files...] The wc utility should read one or more input files and, by default, write the number of newlines, words, and bytes, in that order, contained in each input file to the standard output (in other words, the default behavior matches naving the options -clw). The utility should also write a total count for all named files, if more than one input file is specified. The wc utility should consider a word to be a non-zero-length string of characters delimited by whitespace characters. Your program should be able to handle any combinations of the -c, -1 and -w, in any order (e.g, -wl, -c, etc.). If no files operand is specified, or when one of the files is -, then standard input is assumed. • -c: Write to the standard output the number of bytes in each input file. • -1: Write to the standard output the number of newlines in each input file. • -w: Write to the standard output the number of words in each input file.
- /wc [-clw] [files...] The wc utility should read one or more input files and, by default, write the number of newlines, words, and bytes, in that order, contained in each input file to the standard output (in other words, the default behavior matches naving the options -clw). The utility should also write a total count for all named files, if more than one input file is specified. The wc utility should consider a word to be a non-zero-length string of characters delimited by whitespace characters. Your program should be able to handle any combinations of the -c, -1 and -w, in any order (e.g, -wl, -c, etc.). If no files operand is specified, or when one of the files is -, then standard input is assumed. • -c: Write to the standard output the number of bytes in each input file. • -1: Write to the standard output the number of newlines in each input file. • -w: Write to the standard output the number of words in each input file.
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition)
7th Edition
Author:James Kurose, Keith Ross
Publisher:James Kurose, Keith Ross
Chapter1: Computer Networks And The Internet
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem R1RQ: What is the difference between a host and an end system? List several different types of end...
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Create the following in C++
![. /wc [-clw] [files...]
The wc utility should read one or more input files and, by default, write the number of newlines, words, and
bytes, in that order, contained in each input file to the standard output (in other words, the default behavior matches
having the options -clw). The utility should also write a total count for all named files, if more than one input file is
specified. The wc utility should consider a word to be a non-zero-length string of characters delimited by whitespace
characters. Your program should be able to handle any combinations of the -c, -1 and -w, in any order (e.g, -wl, -c,
etc.). If no files operand is specified, or when one of the files is -, then standard input is assumed.
• -c: Write to the standard output the number of bytes in each input file.
• -1: Write to the standard output the number of newlines in each input file.
• -w: Write to the standard output the number of words in each input file.](/v2/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.bartleby.com%2Fqna-images%2Fquestion%2F29ea5d5b-5dae-48f3-a188-d0a58b2c7f90%2Fe40e4733-f563-47cf-b106-aac35cba976c%2Fs83bpba_processed.png&w=3840&q=75)
Transcribed Image Text:. /wc [-clw] [files...]
The wc utility should read one or more input files and, by default, write the number of newlines, words, and
bytes, in that order, contained in each input file to the standard output (in other words, the default behavior matches
having the options -clw). The utility should also write a total count for all named files, if more than one input file is
specified. The wc utility should consider a word to be a non-zero-length string of characters delimited by whitespace
characters. Your program should be able to handle any combinations of the -c, -1 and -w, in any order (e.g, -wl, -c,
etc.). If no files operand is specified, or when one of the files is -, then standard input is assumed.
• -c: Write to the standard output the number of bytes in each input file.
• -1: Write to the standard output the number of newlines in each input file.
• -w: Write to the standard output the number of words in each input file.
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