Using the text List three major reasons for change in America between 1914-1945

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Using the text List three major reasons for change in America between 1914-1945. already got my answer just wanna see if I get the same answer as you
Ganed in Manhattan
How did these places show up in the
work of modern American writers?
Paris and Modernism After World War
dsenchantment led some American writers to become
epattes, or exies. Many went to Paris, where they
gathered at the home of Gertrude Stein, the writer
who dubbed them the "lost generation." Ezra Pound,
Scott Fr
Sherwood Andenon, and other Modemst w
panters, and musicans created a vibrant cultural life in
Pars and gave Amencan writing dynamic European
anareness it had never had before
Urban Waste Lands T.S Elot, tom in
witers expermented with new approaches and techniques They were out
Dcapture the essence of modern ife in both the content and form of ther
work Modemsts looked for new solutons. The old ways of teling stories-in a
straight narrative ine from beginning to midde to end-were out The old ways
What is the relationship
between the Writer and SOCtety?
What major social and political events affected American
writers in the first half of the twentieth century?
The major events isted below affected how writers thought about
u no aa -SURDS alu pue sau bugraday u aod fuusad p
general, the hew approaches demanded more from readers than earler works
A Global Vision Windows had been opened to the rest of the world The
art of China, Japan, Africa, India, ancient Greece, medeval Italy, Provençal
France-all contributed to the mx that became Modernam
More Writers Women had always played a role in American literary life,
but in the twenteth century they became more central than ever Gertrude
Sten shaped Modernist values, and Hamet Monroe, the editor of Poetry
maganne, championed its verse With the Hariem Renaissance, African
American writers Such as Langston Hu
SIeany jeeg maN
aood o suoue sa e und e ag ma aa tuung
work for all Americans, the govemment began
uping nd suogru a n buonsu
oos o as a u sem au r e no
abe au o saua o kueuu padeus pue 'puOM a pue saaua
• World War : The shock and devastation made it clear that a new
word, radically different from the past, would have to be created
• The Depression and the New Deal: Poverty was everywhere, but
yobs with the Work Projects Administration (WPA) enabled many wt-
anao ta-uosadage s g au fuspaa
s pap aa ue paosuods uuanob a
aroup buunp adoad audsu a paubsap saua
Aupo o Aang aa o aenao jo se uo-S
local otzens. One example is the mural on a post office in
West Faim Beach, Ronda, which depicts local hero James
England Elot's poem The Waste Land (1922).
u paas puP16i adong o am sno
s of African American writers to follow
Literature in Pieces in previous eras, writers felt obligated to the iterary
ues and authors who had preceded them With the onset of Modernism,
however, established rules were breakable. Writers and many readers
uns o
Suuanapao wooyaeg, a ucu pevp)
peg pue ueyy o prag w woy ano H
• World War , the Atomic Bomb, the Holocaust The full effects of
K an, papnoys-bo ep katru busn
summed up the sterity of the postvar world. Iin a
dferent way, the gittering city-dwelers of F. Scott
Ftagerald, in New York and Hollywood, faced their
uo aon unguao au se uaedde aou aucag uo pnom sauou asa
O Sa papnou aduco os sep ws oo ou uete
trovel on foot along the beach and by rowboat through
What values, attitudes, and ideas grew from these events?
Disillusion with Old ideas and Ideals The ideas and ideals of the
nineteenth century had failed. They had not prevented the slaughter of
World War l, and so new beliefs and attitudes had to take their place
Wider Cultural Awareness Wars and new technologes made Americans
more aware of other cultures and other artistic tradicions
saundua pue uosnese u
Kuops sy paqued souryog ueas y seM nouep
on six panels that can sl be seen on the post office wall
The Harlem Renaissance A nevw iterary age abo
in Harlem. Countee
cbviously flow from one to the next. Rather than a unfied ol panting, a
Modernst work was more lke a mosaic composed of individual pieces it
requred the vievwer to organize the pieces into a meaningful picture
Rise of Popular Culture The pperback revolution was both a cause and
aneffect of growing democratizaton in the twenteth century Begnning in
he md-1930s, books began to be available as paperbacks, which were d
ble to more people more easly R
ou pp ra squaubas ung auous u sauos pue suaod padao
urar eow apneo sauinH Uostun
Women, African Amenicans, and immigrants from many countres played
increasingly important roles in American cultural ife
Fragmentation of Experience War, the stresses of
and the sheer speed of change enmeshed n
uncertanty, imbalance, and a sense of dscontinuty
How were these forces expressed in literature?
Out with the Old Above al, Modemem was a dere for the new Modemst
Toomer, Ama Bontemps, and Zora Neale Hurston
produced prose and poetry that expressed African
American experience. They aso captured the sights,
sounds, and emotions of modern urban life
Towns, Farms, and Plains in sharply satiric
roveh, Sinclar Lewis took aim at small town
e particularly in the Midwest. John Stenbeck
purda o panugua sseo apu a uogezepowag
J , p bubaa o pe oue
Sice Buroughs Tarzan adventures, Zane Grey's bestseling
Gal stream
abmauo c spoendod pu
feelings of
uun ad uu
made electronic storyteling enomously popular, many familes never mssed an
sode of The Shadow or Superman Movies, too began to tel stories in more
and more spectacular ways For some, movies even began to replace iteratu
work the land, particularly in California and the Southwest. Eudora Welty
and Willam Faukner used the landscapes of Mssissippi in tragcomic tales
f family, race, ife, and death in the South
oum uawOm pue ua o sa66nas a palecd
Hughes publishes
The Weary Bues
The Great Cotly
T y ung P
6 Diion, Delaonce and Disco -S)
Cee pou ka oane pg
L69 pou kan uan
Transcribed Image Text:Ganed in Manhattan The American EXPERIENCE How did these places show up in the work of modern American writers? Paris and Modernism After World War dsenchantment led some American writers to become epattes, or exies. Many went to Paris, where they gathered at the home of Gertrude Stein, the writer who dubbed them the "lost generation." Ezra Pound, Scott Fr Sherwood Andenon, and other Modemst w panters, and musicans created a vibrant cultural life in Pars and gave Amencan writing dynamic European anareness it had never had before Urban Waste Lands T.S Elot, tom in witers expermented with new approaches and techniques They were out Dcapture the essence of modern ife in both the content and form of ther work Modemsts looked for new solutons. The old ways of teling stories-in a straight narrative ine from beginning to midde to end-were out The old ways What is the relationship between the Writer and SOCtety? FLORIDA ART IN CONTEXT What major social and political events affected American writers in the first half of the twentieth century? The major events isted below affected how writers thought about u no aa -SURDS alu pue sau bugraday u aod fuusad p general, the hew approaches demanded more from readers than earler works A Global Vision Windows had been opened to the rest of the world The art of China, Japan, Africa, India, ancient Greece, medeval Italy, Provençal France-all contributed to the mx that became Modernam More Writers Women had always played a role in American literary life, but in the twenteth century they became more central than ever Gertrude Sten shaped Modernist values, and Hamet Monroe, the editor of Poetry maganne, championed its verse With the Hariem Renaissance, African American writers Such as Langston Hu SIeany jeeg maN aood o suoue sa e und e ag ma aa tuung work for all Americans, the govemment began uping nd suogru a n buonsu oos o as a u sem au r e no abe au o saua o kueuu padeus pue 'puOM a pue saaua • World War : The shock and devastation made it clear that a new word, radically different from the past, would have to be created • The Depression and the New Deal: Poverty was everywhere, but yobs with the Work Projects Administration (WPA) enabled many wt- anao ta-uosadage s g au fuspaa s pap aa ue paosuods uuanob a aroup buunp adoad audsu a paubsap saua Aupo o Aang aa o aenao jo se uo-S local otzens. One example is the mural on a post office in West Faim Beach, Ronda, which depicts local hero James England Elot's poem The Waste Land (1922). u paas puP16i adong o am sno s of African American writers to follow Literature in Pieces in previous eras, writers felt obligated to the iterary ues and authors who had preceded them With the onset of Modernism, however, established rules were breakable. Writers and many readers uns o Suuanapao wooyaeg, a ucu pevp) peg pue ueyy o prag w woy ano H • World War , the Atomic Bomb, the Holocaust The full effects of K an, papnoys-bo ep katru busn summed up the sterity of the postvar world. Iin a dferent way, the gittering city-dwelers of F. Scott Ftagerald, in New York and Hollywood, faced their uo aon unguao au se uaedde aou aucag uo pnom sauou asa O Sa papnou aduco os sep ws oo ou uete trovel on foot along the beach and by rowboat through What values, attitudes, and ideas grew from these events? Disillusion with Old ideas and Ideals The ideas and ideals of the nineteenth century had failed. They had not prevented the slaughter of World War l, and so new beliefs and attitudes had to take their place Wider Cultural Awareness Wars and new technologes made Americans more aware of other cultures and other artistic tradicions saundua pue uosnese u Kuops sy paqued souryog ueas y seM nouep on six panels that can sl be seen on the post office wall The Harlem Renaissance A nevw iterary age abo in Harlem. Countee cbviously flow from one to the next. Rather than a unfied ol panting, a Modernst work was more lke a mosaic composed of individual pieces it requred the vievwer to organize the pieces into a meaningful picture Rise of Popular Culture The pperback revolution was both a cause and aneffect of growing democratizaton in the twenteth century Begnning in he md-1930s, books began to be available as paperbacks, which were d ble to more people more easly R ou pp ra squaubas ung auous u sauos pue suaod padao urar eow apneo sauinH Uostun Greater Women, African Amenicans, and immigrants from many countres played increasingly important roles in American cultural ife Fragmentation of Experience War, the stresses of and the sheer speed of change enmeshed n uncertanty, imbalance, and a sense of dscontinuty How were these forces expressed in literature? Out with the Old Above al, Modemem was a dere for the new Modemst Toomer, Ama Bontemps, and Zora Neale Hurston produced prose and poetry that expressed African American experience. They aso captured the sights, sounds, and emotions of modern urban life Towns, Farms, and Plains in sharply satiric roveh, Sinclar Lewis took aim at small town e particularly in the Midwest. John Stenbeck purda o panugua sseo apu a uogezepowag J , p bubaa o pe oue Sice Buroughs Tarzan adventures, Zane Grey's bestseling Gal stream abmauo c spoendod pu feelings of uun ad uu made electronic storyteling enomously popular, many familes never mssed an sode of The Shadow or Superman Movies, too began to tel stories in more and more spectacular ways For some, movies even began to replace iteratu work the land, particularly in California and the Southwest. Eudora Welty and Willam Faukner used the landscapes of Mssissippi in tragcomic tales f family, race, ife, and death in the South oum uawOm pue ua o sa66nas a palecd Hughes publishes The Weary Bues STAL Ne 1927 1927 1933 The Great Cotly T y ung P 6 Diion, Delaonce and Disco -S) Cee pou ka oane pg L69 pou kan uan
Essential Questions of the Literary Period
The Modern Age
Historical Background
The Great Depression The boom, of course, could not last. in October
1932, about 12 milion Amenicans-one quarter of the work force-were
ig uossaudag eup a buunds pauseo jauru pos a 626
The Modern Age (1914-1945)
uossaudag pauado suap dnos pue pauic su prag op
became more than an ectnomic fact it became a national state of mind.
The New Deal In the pres dential election of 1932, New York's governor
Farklin D Rooseveit defeated president Herbert Hoover. Roosevelt initiated
The years immediately before World War I were marked by practical
What is the relationship
saua paypo pue dn uMob pry a paaag suay uugdo
realisticaly Technologcal know-how made the future look bright Socar
problems could be sohved However, World War shattered Amencan and
European values The war not only remade govemments and boders, it
made peopie al over the world rethink what it meant to be a human being
The Great War World War I was one of the bloodest and most tragic
conficts ever to occur The Alles (primanly Britan, France, and Russa)
between place and literature?
What American places especially affected American life in
the first h
aus uaubuaas o suoa uoue ole o abeped eeag waN
buping se upns saloudgnd any oM puno adoa Auouce
aus pua padiau sagiod pue diusapesaasoow satioug pur surp
P6L pue or6 9661 uo a uy paura pue uossada
auaeM PUOM Jo pua au e surak kuaa kuo RM PpeM
alf of the twentieth century?
ane nfooupa pur audoauo pun voonduu sagn
telephones, buiding materals, power generators, and Cars
German invasion of Poland ignited World War i Even after the tall of
uốinoug pue spua bnp saps og ng suepe uruao an pauru
Twentes "roared" on city streets and in downtown hotspots. However, city
ife also came to mean crowding poverty, crime, racism, and anonymity
Towns and Fams Smal-town An
Jo auo seM saRIs paun auu 00ou Jueuop au De
puuc aus p no kes a buaad sueuauY 1Sou um wsuogn
the war to a standstil Machine guns made it impossible to overmun the
opponent Almost an entire generation of European men wasted away
President Woodrow Wison tried to remain neutral, but that proved
a pue panuu ssausng big sasodo ou sago pue sago ou
However, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawa, on December
21941, isolationsm and neutrality came to a swift end The u
America d
thanged too, especaly after World
uo umop wa day uuo6 nokMCH, pae buos 616L dod Y1M
Auru pue ueS suouendod uwo as an a e a
public opnion, and in 1917 the Unted States joined the Ales American
confidence passed quickly The homors of combat were unspeakabie,
intensfied by new technology put to wartime use
of the Modern Age Europeans and Amencans had turned the world into a
wasteiand As one soldie/poet put it THave a Rendezvous with Death"
pales speue auueugns unuag bunuaaun erquang agssodu
Ater years of bitter fighting in Europe and in the Pacific, the Ales,
which included the United States Great Britan, France, and the Soviet
k pue urder Kuean-uawod sny a uo M pap
traditions became the subjects of nostaiga. Farmers suffered tembly in the
193Os when severe drought tumed the Great Plains into the Dust Bowl
What non-American places especially affected American
life in the first half of the twentieth century?
au se S
the United States dropped atomic bombs on the cites of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Peace, and the Atomic Age, had arrived
aue an supuow aaa paapuauns ueder kueuuan gey paeaao voun
The Roaring Twenties The war ended in 1918, but peopie's mnds
and hearts were not at peace Throughout the Twentes, the nation
Key Historical Theme: War and Its Aftermath
Ater the shock of World War L, Americans left behind many of the
optimstic attitudes and humane values of the prewar world
During the Roaring Twenties, Americans gave way to self-induigence,
durng the Thirtes, they endured intense econcomic hardship.
World War ushered in the Atomic Age
Battlefields and Boulevards The trenches that scamred Europe s
Prohibition made the sale of liquor ilegal, leading to bootlegging and the
me of organized crme Radio amived, and so did jazz Movies became
aso Sadeoss pue pauoog kuouca aabug e uo ob c pauaas
such as the nobity of Western culture On the other hand, the artistic life
that flourshed in the studios and cafes of Paris pushed Amenicans into the
Saag pausuap buurapun spuu su y paus oe adexpun
auep e bus aodbey eao uoe papunoor spe pue ausng big
aa sapru pue sanyes ewad se of a adoay uosa a
ave ther indelbie marks on both the American psyche and its politics
pinom eusoH buonou RM DUOMe Spaapega ay apoyy
out the remembered sound of expioding bombs and the horror of death
UMop a pa saua buueoy ao , au spum s uC
924 The inmigahon Act lm he
Corf Sandburg ap
cee puncbpog
Transcribed Image Text:Essential Questions of the Literary Period The Modern Age (1914–1945) Historical Background The Great Depression The boom, of course, could not last. in October 1932, about 12 milion Amenicans-one quarter of the work force-were ig uossaudag eup a buunds pauseo jauru pos a 626 The Modern Age (1914-1945) uossaudag pauado suap dnos pue pauic su prag op became more than an ectnomic fact it became a national state of mind. The New Deal In the pres dential election of 1932, New York's governor Farklin D Rooseveit defeated president Herbert Hoover. Roosevelt initiated The years immediately before World War I were marked by practical What is the relationship saua paypo pue dn uMob pry a paaag suay uugdo realisticaly Technologcal know-how made the future look bright Socar problems could be sohved However, World War shattered Amencan and European values The war not only remade govemments and boders, it made peopie al over the world rethink what it meant to be a human being The Great War World War I was one of the bloodest and most tragic conficts ever to occur The Alles (primanly Britan, France, and Russa) between place and literature? What American places especially affected American life in the first h aus uaubuaas o suoa uoue ole o abeped eeag waN buping se upns saloudgnd any oM puno adoa Auouce aus pua padiau sagiod pue diusapesaasoow satioug pur surp P6L pue or6 9661 uo a uy paura pue uossada auaeM PUOM Jo pua au e surak kuaa kuo RM PpeM alf of the twentieth century? ane nfooupa pur audoauo pun voonduu sagn Suma telephones, buiding materals, power generators, and Cars German invasion of Poland ignited World War i Even after the tall of uốinoug pue spua bnp saps og ng suepe uruao an pauru Twentes "roared" on city streets and in downtown hotspots. However, city ife also came to mean crowding poverty, crime, racism, and anonymity Towns and Fams Smal-town An Jo auo seM saRIs paun auu 00ou Jueuop au De puuc aus p no kes a buaad sueuauY 1Sou um wsuogn the war to a standstil Machine guns made it impossible to overmun the opponent Almost an entire generation of European men wasted away President Woodrow Wison tried to remain neutral, but that proved a pue panuu ssausng big sasodo ou sago pue sago ou However, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawa, on December 21941, isolationsm and neutrality came to a swift end The u America d thanged too, especaly after World uo umop wa day uuo6 nokMCH, pae buos 616L dod Y1M Auru pue ueS suouendod uwo as an a e a public opnion, and in 1917 the Unted States joined the Ales American confidence passed quickly The homors of combat were unspeakabie, intensfied by new technology put to wartime use of the Modern Age Europeans and Amencans had turned the world into a wasteiand As one soldie/poet put it THave a Rendezvous with Death" pales speue auueugns unuag bunuaaun erquang agssodu Ater years of bitter fighting in Europe and in the Pacific, the Ales, which included the United States Great Britan, France, and the Soviet k pue urder Kuean-uawod sny a uo M pap traditions became the subjects of nostaiga. Farmers suffered tembly in the 193Os when severe drought tumed the Great Plains into the Dust Bowl What non-American places especially affected American life in the first half of the twentieth century? aindeut au se S the United States dropped atomic bombs on the cites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Peace, and the Atomic Age, had arrived aue an supuow aaa paapuauns ueder kueuuan gey paeaao voun The Roaring Twenties The war ended in 1918, but peopie's mnds and hearts were not at peace Throughout the Twentes, the nation Key Historical Theme: War and Its Aftermath Ater the shock of World War L, Americans left behind many of the optimstic attitudes and humane values of the prewar world During the Roaring Twenties, Americans gave way to self-induigence, durng the Thirtes, they endured intense econcomic hardship. World War ushered in the Atomic Age Battlefields and Boulevards The trenches that scamred Europe s Prohibition made the sale of liquor ilegal, leading to bootlegging and the me of organized crme Radio amived, and so did jazz Movies became aso Sadeoss pue pauoog kuouca aabug e uo ob c pauaas such as the nobity of Western culture On the other hand, the artistic life that flourshed in the studios and cafes of Paris pushed Amenicans into the Saag pausuap buurapun spuu su y paus oe adexpun auep e bus aodbey eao uoe papunoor spe pue ausng big aa sapru pue sanyes ewad se of a adoay uosa a ave ther indelbie marks on both the American psyche and its politics pinom eusoH buonou RM DUOMe Spaapega ay apoyy out the remembered sound of expioding bombs and the horror of death UMop a pa saua buueoy ao , au spum s uC 924 The inmigahon Act lm he 1921 edwep Corf Sandburg ap 1914 1921 cee puncbpog
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