uppose that we use the floating-point format with 12 decimal digits , SEEEMMMMMMMM , to rep- resent a real number, where S is the digit to represent the sign of the mantissa (use 0 for pos- itive and 5 for negative), EEE are the 3 digits to represent the exponent in excess-500 format, MMMMMMMM are the 8 digits to represent the magnitude of the mantissa, and the decimal point of the mantissa is right to the left of MMMMMMMM (i.e., SEEEMMMMMMMM representing the real number ± 0 . MMMMMMMM × 10^EEE − 500 .) Largest Positive Number = 0.99999999x 10^499 Second Largest Positive Number = 0.99999998 x 10^499 How much less is the second largest number compared to the largest number? Can you represent a number located somewhere between the largest number and the second largest number?
uppose that we use the floating-point format with 12 decimal digits , SEEEMMMMMMMM , to rep- resent a real number, where S is the digit to represent the sign of the mantissa (use 0 for pos- itive and 5 for negative), EEE are the 3 digits to represent the exponent in excess-500 format, MMMMMMMM are the 8 digits to represent the magnitude of the mantissa, and the decimal point of the mantissa is right to the left of MMMMMMMM (i.e., SEEEMMMMMMMM representing the real number ± 0 . MMMMMMMM × 10^EEE − 500 .)
Largest Positive Number = 0.99999999x 10^499
Second Largest Positive Number = 0.99999998 x 10^499
How much less is the second largest number compared to the largest number? Can you represent a number located somewhere between the largest number and the second largest number?

Scientific notation: s * m x 10e where
s is the sign
m is the mantissa
e is the exponent
10 is the base
Example: For Number -1234.5678
s = (-1)
m = (1.2345678)
e = (3)
answer = -1.2345678x103
Step by step
Solved in 4 steps