u must design a Microsoft Access database file for managing project & employee data with tables, fields, relationships, and queries as given below. Please submit your Access file without any data – the TAs will import data to test your work. However, you may find it useful to temporarily add some data to your tables, especially to test y
u must design a Microsoft Access database file for managing project & employee data with tables, fields, relationships, and queries as given below. Please submit your Access file without any data – the TAs will import data to test your work. However, you may find it useful to temporarily add some data to your tables, especially to test y
u must design a Microsoft Access database file for managing project & employee data with tables, fields, relationships, and queries as given below. Please submit your Access file without any data – the TAs will import data to test your work. However, you may find it useful to temporarily add some data to your tables, especially to test y
You must design a Microsoft Access database file for managing project & employee data with tables, fields, relationships, and queries as given below. Please submit your Access file without any data – the TAs will import data to test your work. However, you may find it useful to temporarily add some data to your tables, especially to test your queries
Transcribed Image Text:You must design a Microsoft Access database file for managing project & employee data with tables,
fields, relationships, and queries as given below. Please submit your Access file without any data – the
TAs will import data to test your work. However, you may find it useful to temporarily add some data to
your tables, especially to test your queries.
1) Tables: Fields (keys in yellow, foreign keys in blue)
Project: code (short text, input mask 000000-0000), name (short text, maximum length 30),
location (short text, maximum length 30), client (short text, input mask 000000), startDate (short
Client: code (short text, input mask 000000), name (short text, maximum length 40), email (short
text, maximum length 30), address (short text, maximum length 50), zip code (short text, input
mask 00000-0000), phone number (short text with phone number input mask)
Department: name (short text, maximum length 20), email (short text, maximum length 30),
phone number (short text with phone number input mask)
Employee: idNumber (short text, input mask 000000), firstName (short text, maximum length 20),
lastName (shortText, maximum length 20), phone number (short text with phone number input
mask), email (short text, maximum length 30), department (short text, maximum length 20),
project (short text, input mask 000000-0000)
2) Relationships: Link all foreign key fields to their original tables
Project.client to Client.code
Employee.project to Project.code
Employee.department to Department.name
Transcribed Image Text:3) Queries:
Select and display all Employee records where the Department is Security
Select and display all Project codes and names where the Client is Burger King
Select and display all Employee first & last names where the Department is not Finance
Select and display all Client records where the zip code is 60607
Select and display all Employee records where the Project's Client is Epic Games
Select and display all Employee phone numbers where the last name is Smith and the
Department is Security
Select and display all Client names and emails whose Projects had a start date in October 2020
1. Check your fields and make sure they match all the assignment specifications.
2. Check your relationships - referential integrity is unnecessary and can make testing more difficult.
3. Test your queries: including one match & one non-match for each query. then, when you run the query,
you should get only one matching result. and if you do, then your query is probably correct.
4. Delete your data, if any.
Organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored in a computer system.
Expert Solution
The given problem is related to MS Access where the database tables are to be created with given specifications.
**As the post contains many question parts and each part is itselft a question, As per Bartleby guidlines, we haveto sokvefirst question of first 3 sub parts. Kindly find solution to first 2 questions(table creation and relationship creation)