Three hungry pirates, Ahab, Bluebeard, and Hook, were stranded on a desert island. They came upon a treasure chest, which they immediately opened. To their joy, they found it to be full of pretzels! Immediately they each ate 10, then they decided they should save the rest for later. That night, after the others had fallen asleep, Ahab crept to the treasure chest and opened it. He separated the pretzels into 3 equal piles. There was 1 extra pretzel, which he gave to a passing monkey. Then he stole one of the 3 equal piles of pretzels, put the rest back into the chest, and went back to camp. A short time later Bluebeard sneaked over to the chest. He separated the pretzels into four equal piles (he wasn’t quite as greedy as Ahab). There were 2 extra pretzels, which he gave to a passing monkey. He then stole one of the four piles and put the rest back into the chest. Still later Hook went to the chest and separated the pretzels into five equal piles. There were 3 left over, which he gave to a passing monkey. Then he stole one of the piles and put the rest back into the chest. The next day the three pirates split the remaining pretzels equally, so that each got 20 pretzels. How many pretzels were in the chest originally, and how many did each pirate receive (including the ones they ate)?
Three hungry pirates, Ahab, Bluebeard, and Hook, were stranded on a desert island. They came upon a treasure chest, which they immediately opened. To their joy, they found it to be full of pretzels! Immediately they each ate 10, then they decided they should save the rest for later. That night, after the others had fallen asleep, Ahab crept to the treasure chest and opened it. He separated the pretzels into 3 equal piles. There was 1 extra pretzel, which he gave to a passing monkey. Then he stole one of the 3 equal piles of pretzels, put the rest back into the chest, and went back to camp. A short time later Bluebeard sneaked over to the chest. He separated the pretzels into four equal piles (he wasn’t quite as greedy as Ahab). There were 2 extra pretzels, which he gave to a passing monkey. He then stole one of the four piles and put the rest back into the chest. Still later Hook went to the chest and separated the pretzels into five equal piles. There were 3 left over, which he gave to a passing monkey. Then he stole one of the piles and put the rest back into the chest. The next day the three pirates split the remaining pretzels equally, so that each got 20 pretzels. How many pretzels were in the chest originally, and how many did each pirate receive (including the ones they ate)?

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