This question should be answered with OCaml. All functions must be implemented with the Continuation Passing Style. Do not use ChatGPT. Oftentimes we want to traverse an entire tree in a certain order. One common way of traversing a tree is postorder traversal. In postorder traversal, we traverse the left subtree first, then traverse the right subtree, then visit the node. Our job is to create a function that returns a list of the values of the tree visited in postorder traversal. This function should be implemented with the Continuation Passing Style. Our function would have the following signature: traverse : 'a tree -> 'a list Example 1: For the tree in the image above, traverse should return the list [2; 5; 11; 6; 7; 5; 9; 9; 1]. Example 2: Input: Tree (Tree (Empty, 2, Empty), 1, Tree (Empty, 3, Empty)) Output: [2; 3; 1] Example 3: Input: Tree (Tree (Tree (Empty, 4, Empty), 2, Tree (Empty, 5, Empty)), 1, Tree (Empty, 3, Empty)) Output: [4; 5; 2; 3; 1] 1. Write a good set of tests for testing your tree traversal function. let traverse_tests : (int tree * int list) list = [] 2. Implement a CPS style postorder traversal function. let traverse (tree : 'a tree) : 'a list = let rec helper (tree : 'a tree) (sc : 'a list -> 'r) = raise NotImplemented in raise NotImplemented
This question should be answered with OCaml. All functions must be implemented with the Continuation Passing Style. Do not use ChatGPT.
Oftentimes we want to traverse an entire tree in a certain order. One common way of traversing a tree is postorder traversal. In postorder traversal, we traverse the left subtree first, then traverse the right subtree, then visit the node.
Our job is to create a function that returns a list of the values of the tree visited in postorder traversal. This function should be implemented with the Continuation Passing Style.
Our function would have the following signature: traverse : 'a tree -> 'a list
Example 1: For the tree in the image above, traverse should return the list [2; 5; 11; 6; 7; 5; 9; 9; 1].
Example 2:
Input: Tree (Tree (Empty, 2, Empty), 1, Tree (Empty, 3, Empty))
Output: [2; 3; 1]
Example 3:
Input: Tree (Tree (Tree (Empty, 4, Empty), 2, Tree (Empty, 5, Empty)), 1, Tree (Empty, 3, Empty))
Output: [4; 5; 2; 3; 1]
1. Write a good set of tests for testing your tree traversal function.
let traverse_tests : (int tree * int list) list = []
2. Implement a CPS style postorder traversal function.
let traverse (tree : 'a tree) : 'a list =
let rec helper (tree : 'a tree) (sc : 'a list -> 'r) =
raise NotImplemented
raise NotImplemented

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