Hello! I am currently learning more in-depth about Python. I have some code that I have made progress on but I am unsure of how to proceed. It is a magic 8-ball program with twelve set responses that I have in the first part of the code. I want to add a while loop, a for loop, and an if statement but I am unsure how to proceed. At the end, I also want the user to be able to play again after entering their question and getting a response, while keeping track of how many times they have played and displaying the value once they are done playing. I also want the end output to have the question that the user asked, the response that was randomly selected and asterisks to surround the output so that it looks neat. What is the best way to do this? Here is my current code: import random # List of magic 8 ball responses responses = [ "Yes, absolutely!", "Without a doubt, of course, yes.", "You can count on it!", "For sure!", "Hmmm...ask me later", "I’m not sure", "I can’t tell you right now", "I’ll tell you after my nap", "No way!", "I don’t think so", "Absolutely not!", "The answer is clearly NO!" ] # Starting function to get a random response from the program def get_random_response(): return random.choice(responses) # Main function for the magic 8 ball game def magic_8_ball(): play_count = 0
Hello! I am currently learning more in-depth about Python. I have some code that I have made progress on but I am unsure of how to proceed. It is a magic 8-ball
What is the best way to do this? Here is my current code:
import random
# List of magic 8 ball responses responses = [
"Yes, absolutely!",
"Without a doubt, of course, yes.",
"You can count on it!",
"For sure!",
"Hmmm...ask me later",
"I’m not sure",
"I can’t tell you right now",
"I’ll tell you after my nap",
"No way!",
"I don’t think so",
"Absolutely not!",
"The answer is clearly NO!"
# Starting function to get a random response from the program
def get_random_response():
return random.choice(responses)
# Main function for the magic 8 ball game
def magic_8_ball():
play_count = 0

- Define a function get_random_response to get a random response from the list.
- Define a function get_random_response to get a random response from the list.
- Define a function magic_8_ball:
a. Initialize play_count to 0.
b. Start an infinite loop.
c. Prompt the user for a question.
d. If the user types 'quit', exit the loop.
e. Generate a random response using get_random_response.
f. Increment play_count by 1.
g. Print the user's question and the magic 8 ball's response surrounded by asterisks. - After the loop, display the total number of questions asked (play_count).
- Call the magic_8_ball function to run the program.
Step by step
Solved in 4 steps with 3 images

This is perfect, thank you! I have one last question:
Is it possible to also add a 'for' loop while modifying the code so it fits the for loop along with the while loop as well? If so, can you edit and give an example of that please? Thank you!