The number of hours of daylight on a given day at a give point on the Earth's surface depends on the latitude à of th point, the angle y through which the Earth has moved in it orbital plane during the time period from the vernal equino (March 21), and the angle of inclination o of the Earth' axis of rotation measured from ecliptic north ( 23.45° The number of hours of daylight h can be approximated bị the formula D > 1 h = {12 + 5 sin- D, \D| < 1 D<-1 24, 0, where sin ø sin y tan À D = 1 – sin? ø sin? y and sin- D is in degree measure. Given that Fairbanks Alaska, is located at a latitude of ì = 65° N and also tha | y = 90° on June 20 and y = 270° on December 20, ap proximate (a) the maximum number of daylight hours at Fairbanks t one decimal place
Angles in Circles
Angles within a circle are feasible to create with the help of different properties of the circle such as radii, tangents, and chords. The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to the circumference of the circle. A tangent is a line made perpendicular to the radius through its endpoint placed on the circle as well as the line drawn at right angles to a tangent across the point of contact when the circle passes through the center of the circle. The chord is a line segment with its endpoints on the circle. A secant line or secant is the infinite extension of the chord.
Arcs in Circles
A circular arc is the arc of a circle formed by two distinct points. It is a section or segment of the circumference of a circle. A straight line passing through the center connecting the two distinct ends of the arc is termed a semi-circular arc.

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