The next step is to calculate the total salary for Account Reps hired before 1/1/2018. You will use mixed references so that you can later copy the function and change the function name for other calculations. In cell J14, insert the SUMIFS function to calculate the total amount in the Salary column where the Title contains the job title criteria Account Rep (cell H9) and where the date in the Hire Date column was before 1/1/2018. Use relative references for the sum_range argument, the two criteria range arguments, and the title criteria in cell H9. Type the date comparison for the second criteria argument.
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Now you want to focus on the summarizing data for Account Reps hired before 11/2018. Specifically, you want to calculate the total number of Account Reps. In cell J13, insert the COUNTIFS function to calculate the number of Account Reps (cell H9) in the Title column where the date in the Hire Date column was before 1/1/2018. Use relative references for the two criteria range arguments and the title criteria argument in cell H9. Type the date comparison for the second criteria argument. The next step is to calculate the total salary for Account Reps hired before 11/2018. You will use mixed references so that you can later copy the function and change the function name for other calculations. In cell H14, insert the SUMIFS function to calculate the total amount in the Salary column where the Title contains the job title criteria Account Rep (cell H9) and where the date in the Hire Date column was before 1/1/2018. Use relative references for the sum_range argument, the two criteria range arguments, and the title criteria in cell H9. Type the date comparison for the second criteria argument.

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Solved in 2 steps