The harpooner, Queequeg, possesses excellent skills. When he aims his harpoon at a sperm whale hehits it 95% of the time, and when he aims at a right whale he hits it 75%. Ahab sends the harpoonersout to chase sperm whales 65% of the time and right whales 35% of the time.(a) Make a tree diagram summarizing the probabilities above.(b) What is the probability that Queequeg misses a randomly selected whale with hisharpoon?(c) Years later, Queequeg is telling a story about a time he missed a whale with his harpoon.What is the probability that his target that time was a sperm whale?
The harpooner, Queequeg, possesses excellent skills. When he aims his harpoon at a sperm whale he
hits it 95% of the time, and when he aims at a right whale he hits it 75%. Ahab sends the harpooners
out to chase sperm whales 65% of the time and right whales 35% of the time.
(a) Make a tree diagram summarizing the probabilities above.
(b) What is the
(c) Years later, Queequeg is telling a story about a time he missed a whale with his harpoon.
What is the probability that his target that time was a sperm whale?

The tree diagram for the given scenario is,
The probability that Queequeg misses a randomly selected whale with his harpoon is,
Thus, the probability that Queequeg misses a randomly selected whale with his harpoon is 0.12.
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