The following specifications should be met for your code solution: • The specified function name must be used • The function will take a single argument called filename. This will allow the function to be called for different data files of this same format. • The function should read in the CSV file and unpack the information contained into variables with an appropriate type. o The column headings (e.g. Count of Stolen Animals, etc.) should be stored in a list, with one element per column heading o The number of stolen animals should be returned as a list of integers o The other column data should be returned as lists of strings. One list per column The function should return the processed data with the following order for the return arguments: o The column headings list o The data columns: col1, col2, .., col6
i need to write a function to be able to read in a cvs file in python (jupyter notebook) and change the data into appropriate forms for later analysis. It has been specified that input and output should be done using open and close only and not packages. Below in the image is the specifications for the function we need to write. Our data given is stolen animals in london and ive given example if the beginning of the data below.
Count of Stolen Animals,Type of Animal,Borough,Type Of Offence,Animal Recovered,Year and Month
1,Dog,Lambeth,Theft and Handling,Not Recovered,Jan-2010
1,Dog,Islington,Violence Against the Person,Not Recovered,Jan-2010
1,Dog,Croydon,Robbery,Not Recovered,Jan-2010
1,Dog,Croydon,Robbery,Not Recovered,Jan-2010

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Solved in 4 steps with 2 images

Thankyou this was very helpful :) I also need to write functions that find the average_stolen using single argument called data and also write a function called get_borough_frequency where 2 arguments called borough and number and this should create a dictionary of the unique boroughs as the key and the corresponding value of total number of animals stolen in that borough . Any help would be great , thanks