The following is a schematic micrograph that represents the microstructure of some hypothetical metal. Determine the following: (a) Mean intercept length (b) ASTM grain size number, G (a) ē = (b) G = i 0.0326087 i 6.58 100 μm mm
The following is a schematic micrograph that represents the microstructure of some hypothetical metal. Determine the following: (a) Mean intercept length (b) ASTM grain size number, G (a) ē = (b) G = i 0.0326087 i 6.58 100 μm mm
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Transcribed Image Text:The following is a schematic micrograph that represents the microstructure of some hypothetical metal.
Determine the following:
(a) Mean intercept length
(b) ASTM grain size number, G
(a) ē =
(b) G =
i 0.0326087
i 6.58
100 μm