The "e" number is an important constant real number in mathematics and engineering science. It's definition of natural logarithm and also an irrational number. Approximate value is e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247..... In the following equation which discovered by Harlan A. Brothers and John A. Knox, the greater the number "x", the result approximates the actual number "e". ((2x+1)/(2x-1))^x Code a "C" program to calculate the approximate value of "e" by increasing the value of "x" (x=1, x=2, x=3...) Let the value of "x" continue to increase (if the difference is bigger) until the difference between the results from the equations and value 2.718281 is less than 0.000001. When the difference is less than 0.000001, project the x value at that moment and the result obtained from the equation on the screen.
The "e" number is an important constant real number in mathematics and engineering science.
It's definition of natural logarithm and also an irrational number.
Approximate value is e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247.....
In the following equation which discovered by Harlan A. Brothers and John A. Knox, the greater the number "x", the result approximates the actual number "e".
Code a "C" program to calculate the approximate value of "e" by increasing the value of "x" (x=1, x=2, x=3...)
Let the value of "x" continue to increase (if the difference is bigger) until the difference between the results from the equations and value 2.718281 is less than 0.000001.
When the difference is less than 0.000001, project the x value at that moment and the result obtained from the equation on the screen.
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