The authorised capital was 1,000,000 ordinary shares of 50p each and £100,000 preference shares (6%) of £1 each Debit £ Credit £ Ordinary share capital(1,000,000 of 50p each) 500,000 Preference share capital (100,000 fully paid shares of £1 each) 100,000 Share premium 100,000 Premises at cost 400,000 Motor Vehicles at cost 80,000 Accumulated depreciation-Motor vehicle - 12,000 Accumulated depreciation on Premises 8,000 Investment at Cost 150,000 Investment Income 5,000 Retained Profit 50,000 Carriage Inwards 3,500 Wages and Salaries 96,500 Maintenance and repairs 30,000 Bad debts 5,000 Allowance for doubtful debts 5,000 Sales 800,000 Purchases 500,000 Trade receivables 150,000 Trade Payables 120,000 Administration expenses 43,000 Advertising 20,000 Inventory at 1st January 2019 120,000 Preference dividend (paid) 3,000 Ordinary dividend (Paid) 7,000 Return outwards 8,000 Sales returns 15,000 Director's remuneration 50,000 Bank Balance 35,000 1,708,000 1,708,000 Additional Information: Inventory on 31 December 2019 was valued at £150,000. £2,000 of the administration charge expenses have been prepaid at the year- end Depreciation is to be charged as follows: Depreciation on premises 2% on cost Motor Vehicle 25% per annum on a reducing balance basis Following a review of the accounts receivables it was decided to adjust the allowance for doubtful debts to 5% of the receivables as at balance date. Wages & salaries of £3,000 owed as at year end The tax provision for £8,000 to be made A transfer of £10,000 to made to the general reserve The company made a bonus issue of one share for every 10 held , using the share premium account A dividend of £10,000 on ordinary shares was proposed Required Prepare an Income Statement for Internal use and a Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2019 Prepare a Statement of Financial Position for Grooms Limited as at 31 December 2019.
019. The authorised capital was 1,000,000 ordinary shares of 50p each and £100,000 preference shares (6%) of £1 each
Debit £ |
Credit £ |
Ordinary share capital(1,000,000 of 50p each) |
500,000 |
100,000 |
Share premium |
100,000 |
Premises at cost |
400,000 |
Motor Vehicles at cost |
80,000 |
12,000 |
Accumulated depreciation on Premises |
8,000 |
Investment at Cost |
150,000 |
Investment Income |
5,000 |
Retained Profit |
50,000 |
Carriage Inwards |
3,500 |
Wages and Salaries |
96,500 |
Maintenance and repairs |
30,000 |
5,000 |
Allowance for doubtful debts |
5,000 |
Sales |
800,000 |
Purchases |
500,000 |
Trade receivables |
150,000 |
Trade Payables |
120,000 |
Administration expenses |
43,000 |
Advertising |
20,000 |
Inventory at 1st January 2019 |
120,000 |
Preference dividend (paid) |
3,000 |
Ordinary dividend (Paid) |
7,000 |
Return outwards |
8,000 |
Sales returns |
15,000 |
Director's remuneration |
50,000 |
Bank Balance |
35,000 |
1,708,000 |
1,708,000 |
Additional Information:
- Inventory on 31 December 2019 was valued at £150,000.
- £2,000 of the administration charge expenses have been prepaid at the year- end
- Depreciation is to be charged as follows:
Depreciation on premises 2% on cost
Motor Vehicle 25% per annum on a reducing balance basis
- Following a review of the
accounts receivables it was decided to adjust the allowance for doubtful debts to 5% of the receivables as at balance date.
- Wages & salaries of £3,000 owed as at year end
- The tax provision for £8,000 to be made
- A transfer of £10,000 to made to the general reserve
- The company made a bonus issue of one share for every 10 held , using the share premium account
- A dividend of £10,000 on ordinary shares was proposed
- Prepare an Income Statement for Internal use and a Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2019
- Prepare a
Statement of Financial Position for Grooms Limited as at 31 December 2019.

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