Texting Translator
Texting Translator
- For this assignment, we are going to work with adding and removing data from arrays, linear search, and File I/O.
- This program will act as a texting to English converter
- This program will read a file containing a list of abbreviations used in texting and another file with their English translations.
- The abbreviations and translations need to be stored in two separate but parallel arrays (Links to an external site.).
- Open up two new text files inside of Eclipse:
- Name these text files abbreviations.txt and translations.txt
Copy and paste the following list of names into your abbreviations.txt file:
Copy and paste the following list of translations into your translations.txt file:
see you
I know right?
let me know
never mind
shaking my head
you are
what's up?
Starter Code
* @author
* @author
* CIS 36B
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class TextTrans {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Welcome to the Texting Translator!");
* Inserts a String element into an array at a specified index
* @param array the list of String values
* @param numElements the current number of elements stored
* @indexToInsert the location in the array to insert the new element
* @param newValue the new String value to insert in the array
public static void insert(String array[], int numElements,
int indexToInsert, String newValue) {
* Removes a String element from an array at a specified index
* @param array the list of String values
* @param numElements the current number of elements stored
* @param indexToRemove where in the array to remove the element
public static void remove(String array[], int numElements, int indexToRemove) {
* Prints parallel arrays of Strings to a file
* @param names the list of abbreviations
* @param translations the list of corresponding translations
* @param numElements the current number of elements stored
* @param file the file name
public static void printFile(String[] abbreviations, String[] translations,
int numElements, String file) throws IOException {
* Searches for a specified String in a list
* @param array the array of Strings
* @param value the String to serach for
* @param numElements the number of elements in the list
* @return the index where value is located in the array
public static int linearSearch(String array[], String value, int numElements) {
return -1;
Sample Output
Welcome to the Texting Translator!
Below are the texting abbreviations:
0. 4
1. cu
2. ikr
3. k
4. l8
5. l8r
6. lmk
7. m8
8. nvm
9. r
10. smh
11. u
12. ur
13. wu
Please enter a menu option (A, R, S, X) below:
A. Add an Abbreviation
R. Remove an Abbreviation
S. Search for a Translation
X. Exit
Please enter your choice: A
Enter the abbreviation: rofl
Enter the position at which to add rofl: 10
Enter the translation of rofl: rolling on the floor laughing
Below are the texting abbreviations:
0. 4
1. cu
2. ikr
3. k
4. l8
5. l8r
6. lmk
7. m8
8. nvm
9. r
10. rofl
11. smh
12. u
13. ur
14. wu
Please enter a menu option (A, R, S, X) below:
A. Add an Abbreviation
R. Remove an Abbreviation
S. Search for a Translation
X. Exit
Please enter your choice: R
Please enter the abbreviation to remove: l8
Removing l8...
Is this correct (y/n): y
l8 has been removed.
Below are the texting abbreviations:
0. 4
1. cu
2. ikr
3. k
4. l8r
5. lmk
6. m8
7. nvm
8. r
9. rofl
10. smh
11. u
12. ur
13. wu
Please enter a menu option (A, R, S, X) below:
A. Add an Abbreviation
R. Remove an Abbreviation
S. Search for a Translation
X. Exit
Please enter your choice: S
Enter the abbreviation: u
The abbreviation "u" means: you
Below are the texting abbreviations:
0. 4
1. cu
2. ikr
3. k
4. l8r
5. lmk
6. m8
7. nvm
8. r
9. rofl
10. smh
11. u
12. ur
13. wu
Please enter a menu option (A, R, S, X) below:
A. Add an Abbreviation
R. Remove an Abbreviation
S. Search for a Translation
X. Exit
Please enter your choice: X
Enter the name of a file to write your abbreviations: output.txt
Contents of corresponding output file (output.txt in my example - but user should specify the name):
0. 4: for
1. cu: see you
2. ikr: I know right?
3. k: okay
4. l8r: later
5. lmk: let me know
6. m8: mate
7. nvm: never mind
8. r: are
9. rofl: rolling on the floor laughing
10. smh: shaking my head
11. u: you
12. ur: you are
13. wu: what's up?
Note that the user should be able to enter any file name of their choice. It does not have to be output.txt.
Note that no error checking is required. You may assume that the user enters the inputs correctly.

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