Taking advantage of consumer weaknesses is what the Impulse Shopping Network does best. On-air hosts peddle each product during a predetermined period of time. During each segment (10minutes maximum), viewers are enticed to whip out their credit card and order the product shownbefore the time runs out. These marketers are so convincing that even the savviest consumer can’tavoid temptation. Moore Zales, Director of Marketing at Impulse Shopping Network needs to dosome product planning for tomorrow evening’s line-up. She needs to decide how to split the groupof products being offered between an hour of peak and two hours of off-peak airtime in order tomaximize the profits generated for the three-hour line-up. The following is a list of available items,their wholesale cost, retail price, stock-on-hand, and data on the quantity sold per minute in theprevious week during both peak and off-peak times. Use excel solver please!
Taking advantage of consumer weaknesses is what the Impulse Shopping Network does best. On-
air hosts peddle each product during a predetermined period of time. During each segment (10
minutes maximum), viewers are enticed to whip out their credit card and order the product shown
before the time runs out. These marketers are so convincing that even the savviest consumer can’t
avoid temptation. Moore Zales, Director of Marketing at Impulse Shopping Network needs to do
some product planning for tomorrow evening’s line-up. She needs to decide how to split the group
of products being offered between an hour of peak and two hours of off-peak airtime in order to
maximize the profits generated for the three-hour line-up. The following is a list of available items,
their wholesale cost, retail price, stock-on-hand, and data on the quantity sold per minute in the
previous week during both peak and off-peak times. Use excel solver please!

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