Table 4.1: Excerpt of the data collected by the researcher. Sector Firm Ref # Social Media Spend (R) Engagement Rate (%) Firm Annual Revenue Growth (%) 1 M 500000 1.86 3.86 2 60 300000 1.54 5.26 3 M 600000 2.20 4.12 4 S 400000 1.62 4.46 5 60 S 350000 1.44 5.88 6 00 S 320000 1.25 4.90 7 M 1 000 000 253 3.12 8 M 890000 2.45 214 9 10 11 Σ Σ M 950 000 3.18 3.05 S 660 000 2.45 5.72 M 750 000 2.13 266 12 13 60 00 S 720000 228 6.35 S 560000 298 5.88 14 15 16 17 18 MM ΣΙΣ 800000 3.56 3.75 S 690000 4.26 7.29 M 590000 2.98 4.98 M 880000 3.46 4.04 M 1 100 000 4.15 4.45 120 S 580000 211 4.12 Using (BM SPSS Statistics version 26, the researcher conducted the data analysis and the output in Figure 4.1 to Figure 4.6 was generated Figure 4.1: Descriptive Statistics Engagement Rate (%) Mean Firm Annual Revenue Growth 2.90 Mean (%) 4.98 Standard Error 0.0903 Standard Error 0.1340 Median 2.80 Median 4.89 Mode 2.22 Mode 4.12 Standard Deviation 0.9888 Standard Deviation 1.4681 Sample Variance 0.9776 Sample Variance 2.1553 Kurtosis -1.0521 Kurtosis -0.7577 Skewness Range Minimum 0.0515 Skewness 4.11 Range -0.0151 6.14 1.11 Minimum 2.08 Maximum 5.22 Maximum 8.22 Sum 34753 Sum 598.1 Count 120 Count 120 Figure 4.2: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square 1 .718 516 512 a. Predictors: (Constant), Social Media Engagement b. Dependent Variable: Firm Revenue Growth Std. Error of the Estimate 1.0260 Figure 4.3: ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig 1 Regression 132.258 1 132.258 125.633 000 Residual 124.222 118 1.053 Total 256.480 119 a. Dependent Variable: Firm Revenue Growth b. Predictors: (Constant), Social Media Engagement Figure 4.4: Coefficients Model (Constant) Social Media Engagement Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B Std. Error Beta 1.8963 2910 1.0662 .0951 a. Dependent Variable: Firm Revenue Growth Figure 4.5: Descriptives Firm Revenue Growth (%) 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Sg 6.5169 000 718 11.2086 000 N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Upper Bound Bound Minimum Maximum Manufacturing SME 55 3.74 707 0953 3.47 4.01 2.08 4.98 Service SME 85 6.04 752 0933 5.78 6.30 3.65 822 Total 120 4.98 1.468 1340 4.60 5.36 2.08 822 Figure 4.6 Firm Revenue Growth (%) ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Between Groups 157.866 1 157.866 188.901 000 Within Groups 98.614 118 836 Total 256.480 119
Review the information provided below and answer the questions below.
A business researcher is conducting a study to investigate how social media engagement impacts the financial performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (JMM). The study also aims to determine whether the effect of social media engagement differs between SMEs in the manufacturing and service sectors. The objective is to provide actionable insights for optimising social media strategies to improve financial outcomes for SMEs across these sectors within the JMM. Understanding these dynamics can assist SMEs in tailoring their social media efforts to enhance financial performance and gain a competitive advantage. To measure social media engagement, the researcher used the Social Media Metrics Questionnaire (SMMQ) framework developed by Oeldorf-Hirsch, Sundar, and Liang (2023). The social media engagement rate (%) was calculated as the total number of likes, comments, shares, and clicks divided by the number of followers, expressed as a percentage. Financial performance was evaluated using firm annual revenue growth (FRG) (%), which tracks revenue changes attributable to social media efforts (Kumar et al., 2024). An excerpt of the data collected by the researcher is presented in Table 4.1.
4.1 Specify THREE (3) research objectives and THREE (3) research questions that the study will attempt to answer.
4.2 Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses for each of the research questions you have formulated in question 4.1.
4.3 Interpret the output presented in Figures 4.1 to 4.6. In your interpretation, focus on the observed relationship
between social media engagement and firm revenue growth. In addition, evaluate whether there is a significant
difference in how social media engagement impacts financial performance between SMEs in the manufacturing
sector and those in the service sector.
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