Student Registration
Make a C++ Student Registration And Mark List System where users can register students as well as their mark to
the system, users can see registered students and their academic
mark, can delete and edit information and can search student information.
The main data storage of the project is C++ file system. this means each student data is going to be stored at file created by the program automatically.
these are the main menu
cout<<" Press 1 To Register New student \n";
cout<<" Press 2 To Show Registered Students and their Grade \n";
cout<<" Press 3 To remove Student \n";
cout<<" Press 4 To edit Student information \n";
cout<<" Press 5 to search student \n";
cout<<" Press 0 to exit \n";
cout<<" \n\n Enter your Choice: ";
here are some more needed details
cout<<" Write First Name of the student: ";
cout<<" Write Last Name of the student: ";
cout<<" Write Age of the student: ";
cout<<" Write Sex of the student: ";
cout<<" Write Registration year: ";
cout<<" Write Course of student: ";
cout<<" Write number of courses that student learns in this semester and register them one by one\n";
cout<<" Number of courses: ";
cin>> student.no_courses;
//the below is for loop to help us in registering muliple courses for one student based on the user choice (number of choices entered)
for(int a=1; a<=student.no_courses; a++)
cout<<" Write course Name: ";
cout<<" Enter grade for quiz one: ";
cout<<" Enter grade for quiz two: ";
cout<<" Enter grade for quiz three: ";
cout<<" Enter midterm grade: ";
cout<<" Enter assignment grade: ";
cout<<" Enter lab grade: ";
cout<<" Enter final exam grade: ";
cin>>student.final_exam;"marklist.txt",ios::app) ;
the output should look like this:
cout<<" Full Name: "<<student.FName<<" "<<student.LName<<endl;
cout<<" Registration Year: "<<student.reg_year<<endl;
cout<<" Age: "<<student.age<<endl;
cout<<" Sex: "<<<<endl;
cout<<" Faculty: "<<student.course<<endl;
cout<<" *****************************************************************************\n";
cout<<" ******************************STUDENT MARK LIST******************************\n";
cout<<" *****************************************************************************\n";
cout<<" Subject Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Mid Assignment Final Total Grade\n";
cout<<" _____________________________________________________________________________\n";
(their results of the grade will be printed below that line)
please help me with this, i've been stuck here for days and i still can't figure out how will this work :((

Step by step
Solved in 6 steps with 11 images