- species A and B are considered sister taxa B- A trait unique to species G is best described as a plesiomoephy among all taxa C- A trait unique to species K and L is best described as an apomorphy among all taxa D- A trait in common between species E, F, and G would make them a monophyletic group

Phylogenetic trees represent hypotheses about the evolutionary relationships among a gaggle of organisms.
A monophyletic group, sometimes called a clade, includes an ancestral taxon and every one of its descendants. A monophyletic group are often separated from the basis with one cut, whereas a non-monophyletic group needs two or more cuts.
An apomorphy is a character that's different from the form found in an ancestor, i.e., an innovation, that sets the clade apart ("apo–") from other clades.
The term apomorphy means a specialized or derived character state; plesiomorphy refers to a primitive or ancestral trait. ... A same as symplesiomorphy is similarly a shared primitive trait. These terms are defined relative to a specific node (e.g., representing a taxonomic level) on the cladogram.
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