Sets are collections (1) without defined order and (2) not allowing duplication. Multisets, also called “bags” are collections without defined order but which permit duplication, i.e., more than one element. We define the function #(a B) to be the number of occurrences of the element a in the bag B. For example, #(1, [1 1 2 3 4 4 5]) is 2 and #(5, [1 1 2 3 4 4 5]) = 1. sum : List × List -> List This function should take as arguments two lists representing bags and should return the list representing the list resulting from simply appending the input lists together. Racket code only please. No loops Allowed: 1. define, let 2. lambda, curry 3. cons, car, cdr, list, list?, append, empty?, length, equal? 4. and, or, not 5. if, cond 6. map, append-map, andmap, ormap, filter, apply 7. +, -, /, *
Sets are collections (1) without defined order and (2) not allowing duplication. Multisets, also called “bags” are collections without defined order but which permit duplication, i.e., more than one element. We define the function #(a B) to be the number of occurrences of the element a in the bag B. For example, #(1, [1 1 2 3 4 4 5]) is 2 and #(5, [1 1 2 3 4 4 5]) = 1.
sum : List × List -> List
This function should take as arguments two lists representing bags and should return the list representing the list resulting from simply appending the input lists together.
Racket code only please. No loops
1. define, let
2. lambda, curry
3. cons, car, cdr, list, list?, append, empty?, length, equal?
4. and, or, not
5. if, cond
6. map, append-map, andmap, ormap, filter, apply
7. +, -, /, *
Thank you!

// Here's the implementation of bag-union and bag-intersection in Racket:
(define (bag-union bag1 bag2)
(let ((merged (append bag1 bag2)))
(filter (lambda (x) (not (zero? (apply + (map (lambda (y) (if (equal? x y) 1 0)) merged))))) merged)))
(define (bag-intersection bag1 bag2)
(let ((merged (append bag1 bag2)))
(filter (lambda (x) (not (zero? (min (apply + (map (lambda (y) (if (equal? x y) 1 0)) bag1)) (apply + (map (lambda (y) (if (equal? x y) 1 0)) bag2))))))) merged)))
this is the implementation of bag-union and bag-intersection in Racket as described in my previous answer. The bag-union function first appends the two bags bag1 and bag2 to form a merged list, and then uses the filter function to remove duplicates. The filter function takes as input a function (lambda expression) that checks if the number of occurrences of an element in the merged list is greater than 0. The bag-intersection function works in a similar manner, but instead of filtering elements that have a non-zero count in the merged list, it filters elements that have non-zero counts in both bag1 and bag2.
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