rcent, suspended solids concentration in digested sludge fed to the centrifuge = 5.0 percent by weight, centrifuge cake solids concentration = 30 percent by weight, centrifuge solids capture = 90 percent. Sketch a process flow schematic of the
A centrifuge dewaters digested sludge from an
anaerobic digester. Pertinent performance data are; raw sludge feed rate to the anaerobic
digester = 60,000 lb/day on a dry solids basis, digester suspended solids removal
efficiency = 55 percent, suspended solids concentration in digested sludge fed to the
centrifuge = 5.0 percent by weight, centrifuge cake solids concentration = 30 percent by
weight, centrifuge solids capture = 90 percent.
Sketch a process flow schematic of the system showing both the digester and
centrifuge and all flowing fluid streams, clearly identify the appropriate control surface(s)
for mass balance analyses, and then determine;
(i) dewatered sludge mass flow rate (lb/day)
(ii) centrate flow rate (gal/day)
(iii) centrate suspended solids concentration (mg/l).

Diffusive thickening and dewatering is a high velocity process that utilizes the power from quick revolution of a tube shaped bowl to isolate wastewater solids from fluid. Thickening before assimilation or dewatering diminishes the tankage required for absorption and capacity by eliminating water. Dewatering eliminates more water and delivers a drier material alluded to as "cake" which shifts in consistency from that of custard to sodden soil. Dewatering offers the accompanying benefits:
1. Produces a material, which, when mixed with a building specialist, will have adequate void space and unstable solids for fertilizing the soil.
2. Upgrades air drying and numerous adjustment processes.
3. Dispenses with ponding and spillover, which can be an issue when fluid is land applied on a superficial level instead of infused.
4. Lessens volume, getting a good deal on capacity and transportation.
Rotators work as ceaseless feed units which eliminate solids by a parchment transport and release fluid over the weir. The bowl is tapered formed which helps lift solids out of the fluid permitting them to dry on a slanted surface prior to being released.
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