Question 1: a.) Sketch the structure of the Milky Way, marking the location of the various compo- nents including the disk, bulge, halo and globular clusters. Mark the location of the Sun and which components Population 1 and 2 stars are found in. b.) Describe the components of the Milky Way Galaxy. c.) Sketch the rotation curve of the Milky Way, indicating the maximum rotation velocity Vrot. What does the Milky Way's rotation curve tell us about the structure in the outer regions of the Milky Way?
Question 1: a.) Sketch the structure of the Milky Way, marking the location of the various compo- nents including the disk, bulge, halo and globular clusters. Mark the location of the Sun and which components Population 1 and 2 stars are found in. b.) Describe the components of the Milky Way Galaxy. c.) Sketch the rotation curve of the Milky Way, indicating the maximum rotation velocity Vrot. What does the Milky Way's rotation curve tell us about the structure in the outer regions of the Milky Way?
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Transcribed Image Text:Question 1:
Sketch the structure of the Milky Way, marking the location of the various compo-
nents including the disk, bulge, halo and globular clusters. Mark the location of the Sun and
which components Population 1 and 2 stars are found in.
Describe the components of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Sketch the rotation curve of the Milky Way, indicating the maximum rotation
velocity Vrot.
What does the Milky Way's rotation curve tell us about the structure in the outer
regions of the Milky Way?