[Python (py3)]
The code below is for matrix operations (addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication and transposition). Please annotate what happens in EACH line so that I can fully understand the code below. Some lines are already annotated.
Please annotate EACH line. Do not just copy the code below and take it as the answer without modifying anything. I already encountered such case many times before.
Sample input 1:
2 3
53 -4 1
7 31 2
2 3
67 2 2
-34 6 3
Sample output 1:
120 -2 3
-27 37 5
Sample input 2:
2 2
53 -4
7 31
Sample output 2:
106 -8
14 62
Sample input 3:
3 3
34 10 3
7 8 34
6 2 12
3 2
1 2
3 4
5 6
Sample output 3:
79 126
201 250
72 92
Sample input 4:
3 3
34 10 3
7 8 34
6 2 12
Sample output 4:
34 7 6
10 8 2
3 34 12
import numpy as np
import sys
# function to add
def add(lines):
# finding the dimesions
dim = lines[1].split()
mat1 = np.empty((0,int(dim[0])), int)
for i in range(0,int(dim[0])):
l = lines[k].split()
l = list(map(int, l))
ls = np.array([l])
k += 1
# adding the data in one row
mat1 = np.append(mat1, ls)
# reshaping the into 2D array with given row and column
mat1 = mat1.reshape(int(dim[0]),int(dim[1]))
dim2 = lines[k].split()
k += 1
mat2 = np.empty((0,int(dim2[0])), int)
for i in range(0,int(dim2[0])):
l = lines[k].split()
l = list(map(int, l))
ls = np.array([l])
k += 1
# adding the data in one row
mat2 = np.append(mat2, ls)
# reshaping the into 2D array with given row and column
mat2 = mat2.reshape(int(dim2[0]),int(dim2[1]))
# comparing the dimensions of the matrix
if dim != dim2:
sys.exit("Matrix addition cannot be performed; dimensions are unequal.")
# returning the resultant matrix
return np.add(mat1,mat2)
# function to multiply
def multiply(lines):
# finding the dimesions
dim = lines[1].split()
mat1 = np.empty((0,int(dim[0])), int)
for i in range(0,int(dim[0])):
l = lines[k].split()
l = list(map(int, l))
ls = np.array([l])
k += 1
# adding the data in one row
mat1 = np.append(mat1, ls)
# reshaping the into 2D array with given row and column
mat1 = mat1.reshape(int(dim[0]),int(dim[1]))
dim2 = lines[k].split()
k += 1
mat2 = np.empty((0,int(dim2[0])), int)
for i in range(0,int(dim2[0])):
l = lines[k].split()
l = list(map(int, l))
ls = np.array([l])
k += 1
# adding the data in one row
mat2 = np.append(mat2, ls)
# reshaping the into 2D array with given row and column
mat2 = mat2.reshape(int(dim2[0]),int(dim2[1]))
# comparing the col of matrix 1 with row of matrix 2
if int(dim[1]) != int(dim2[0]):
sys.exit("Matrix multiplication cannot be performed; number of columns of Matrix A is not equal to number of rows of Matrix B.")
# returning the product of 2 matrices
return np.dot(mat1,mat2)
# function to do scalar multiplication
def scalmultiply(lines):
# finding the dimesions
dim = lines[1].split()
mat = np.empty((0,int(dim[0])), int)
for i in range(0,int(dim[0])):
l = lines[k].split()
l = list(map(int, l))
ls = np.array([l])
k += 1
# adding the data in one row
mat = np.append(mat, ls)
# reshaping the into 2D array with given row and column
mat = mat.reshape(int(dim[0]),int(dim[1]))
# finding the number to be mulitplied with
num = lines[k].split()
return np.multiply(mat,int(num[0]))
# function to tranpose the matrix
def transpose(lines):
# finding the dimesions
dim = lines[1].split()
mat = np.empty((0,int(dim[0])), int)
for i in range(0,int(dim[0])):
l = lines[k].split()
l = list(map(int, l))
ls = np.array([l])
k += 1
# adding the data in one row
mat = np.append(mat, ls)
# reshaping the into 2D array with given row and column
mat = mat.reshape(int(dim[0]),int(dim[1]))
# returning the matrix by transposing
return np.transpose(mat)
# main block
f1 = open("file1.txt","r")
lines = f1.readlines()
value = lines[0].split()
# checking the operation and calling the function
if value[0] == "add":
s = add(lines)
if value[0] == "multiply":
s = multiply(lines)
if value[0] == "scalMultiply":
s = scalmultiply(lines)
if value[0] == "transpose":
s = transpose(lines)
# opening the file in write mode
f2 = open("output.txt","w")
# write output matrix in output.txt file
for i in range(0, len(s)):
for j in range(0, len(s[i])):
line = str(s[i][j])+" "
# close the output file