PT. X is an industry engaged in concrete steel with various diameter sizes. The product that is mostly produced is concrete iron with a diameter of 12 mm because it suits the needs of consumers and the current pandemic conditions. During the period from January to December 2019, PT. X is capable of producing as many as 6800 tonnes of units. From the results produced, there is a product defect of 70.4 with the type of product damage, namely overfill (wing), overlap (excessive shape), underfill (kempong) and scratch (beret). In that period, defects were found above the tolerance limit of 2%, namely at week 5 and week 12 of 2.42% and 2.21%. During the production process PT.X has a 2% probability of producing defective products. If you check is 065, then determine: a. P(X=0) b. P(X=1) c. P(X=2) d. P(X≤2) e. P(X≥3)
PT. X is an industry engaged in concrete steel with various diameter sizes. The product that is mostly produced is concrete iron with a diameter of 12 mm because it suits the needs of consumers and the current pandemic conditions. During the period from January to December 2019, PT. X is capable of producing as many as 6800 tonnes of units. From the results produced, there is a product defect of 70.4 with the type of product damage, namely overfill (wing), overlap (excessive shape), underfill (kempong) and scratch (beret). In that period, defects were found above the tolerance limit of 2%, namely at week 5 and week 12 of 2.42% and 2.21%. During the production process PT.X has a 2%
a. P(X=0)
b. P(X=1)
c. P(X=2)
d. P(X≤2)
e. P(X≥3)
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