Protest movements are as old as the American Revolution itself. Write a research paper about a protest movement that changed America between 1877 and today. Your paper should examine the protest movement thoroughly. Be sure to consider: The discontent that inspired the movement in the first place. The main goals and objectives of the movement. Important individuals and leaders who were involved. How those objectives were achieved or not achieved and the legacy of the movement itself. The global connections of the protest movement. Were individuals inspired by world personalities or movements? What can this protest movement tell us about American history and its people? Some ideas you might consider are: the civil rights movements, the women’s movement, anti-war protests, LGBT or labor movements, anti-Wall Street protests, the Tea Party movement, the anti-Imperialist movement, suffragist movement, America First before the Second World War, etc. The paper might also be related more specifically to your field, or area of interest, as long you orient it from the U.S. history framework. For the content of the paper you should: Discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research. Include a title page, an introduction with a thesis statement, a body, a conclusion and a reference page. Include a clear thesis statement about the protest (such as the nature of protest, society’s reaction to protest, outcomes of protest, etc.). Use headers to organize the content of your submission. Use evidence—e.g. scholarly sources—to support your thesis statement and conclusion. Requirements: Submit 6-8 pages (not including title or reference pages), double-space, and format according to the APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. Incorporate a minimum of 6 credible, scholarly secondary sources (beyond encyclopedias, biographies, the course text, or other course materials). At least two sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles. Sources should be adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Protest movements are as old as the American Revolution itself. Write a research paper about a protest movement that changed America between 1877 and today. Your paper should examine the protest movement thoroughly.

Be sure to consider:

  • The discontent that inspired the movement in the first place.
  • The main goals and objectives of the movement.
  • Important individuals and leaders who were involved.
  • How those objectives were achieved or not achieved and the legacy of the movement itself.
  • The global connections of the protest movement. Were individuals inspired by world personalities or movements?
  • What can this protest movement tell us about American history and its people?

Some ideas you might consider are: the civil rights movements, the women’s movement, anti-war protests, LGBT or labor movements, anti-Wall Street protests, the Tea Party movement, the anti-Imperialist movement, suffragist movement, America First before the Second World War, etc. The paper might also be related more specifically to your field, or area of interest, as long you orient it from the U.S. history framework.

For the content of the paper you should:

  • Discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research.
  • Include a title page, an introduction with a thesis statement, a body, a conclusion and a reference page.
  • Include a clear thesis statement about the protest (such as the nature of protest, society’s reaction to protest, outcomes of protest, etc.).
  • Use headers to organize the content of your submission.
  • Use evidence—e.g. scholarly sources—to support your thesis statement and conclusion.


  • Submit 6-8 pages (not including title or reference pages), double-space, and format according to the APA guidelines in the CSU Global Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
  • Incorporate a minimum of 6 credible, scholarly secondary sources (beyond encyclopedias, biographies, the course text, or other course materials). At least two sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles. Sources should be adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


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