Computer Science
Write a
add four buttons for:
Add information or add service or add booking..etc
Update information, update service, update booking.. etc
Delete information, delete service, delete booking..etc
Search information, search service, search booking..etc
Add a logo at the top of the interface.
You Program should follow the class Design Guidelines.
Your Program should include Inheritance feature, use Interface, encapsulation.
Draw a UML Diagram that represent your project. For example,
Add Booking: The system will ask the user to enter the user information (Name, Phone number, Date Booked, service or anything related to your project. Once the Booking is added a message Booking confirmed with name and service, Date Booked will be displayed.
The System need to check if the same Phone number is available, then you can add service to the same user. The System should check the availability of the time.
Update Booking: Can update the booking date or service, etc.. for the user.
Phone number is the primary key to check for user information.
Delete Booking: delete the booking
Search Booking: Search for the user Booking through Mobile Number.
You cant have two people with the same phone number.
Display the Booking information for the searching Criteria.

Step by step
Solved in 7 steps