Proffersor Stange has developed a new test of level of spiritual awareness for his course on religions of the world. Any such test must have several versions bec uase some people take the test more than once. Unfortunately, it turns out that the same person often gets
Proffersor Stange has developed a new test of level of spiritual awareness for his course on religions of the world. Any such test must have several versions bec uase some people take the test more than once. Unfortunately, it turns out that the same person often gets very different scores, depending on which version of the test is offered, even when taking the version at nearly the same time. The test suffers from
A)large sampling errors
C)Low reliability
D)Large bias

Sampling Error:
If the selected sample from the population does not represents the entire population, then an error occurs. This error is called as sampling error.
Confounding variable is a variable which effects both the independent variable and dependent variable.
Reliability measures of the consistency. That is, the reliability measures the consistency of the results if the experiment was conducted many times.
The bias is the error difference between the estimated value and true value of the parameter from the population.
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