Print multiple formatted records Set echo on SET SERVEROUTPUT ON Set up a spool file to receive your output for submission. I would suggest c:\cs4210\WA5spool.txt. DECLARE a record variable (Emp_rec) using %ROWTYPE In the BEGIN block use INTO to load a record into the declared variables for HR.EMPLOYEES for all employees WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 30 Add a LOOP to print all the records Use a CASE statement to print the associated Department Name for Department_ID Add DBMS_OUTPUT lines to print EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and SALARY for the selected record Use TO_CHAR to format the salary as 999,999 Add an EXCEPTION block to report when no data is found Compile and run the procedure. Close the spool file
Print multiple formatted records
Set echo on
Set up a spool file to receive your output for submission. I would suggest c:\cs4210\WA5spool.txt.
DECLARE a record variable (Emp_rec) using %ROWTYPE
In the BEGIN block use INTO to load a record into the declared variables for HR.EMPLOYEES for all employees WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 30
Add a LOOP to print all the records
Use a CASE statement to print the associated Department Name for Department_ID
Add DBMS_OUTPUT lines to print EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and SALARY for the selected record
Use TO_CHAR to format the salary as 999,999
Add an EXCEPTION block to report when no data is found
Compile and run the procedure.
Close the spool file

In this question we have to write a PL/SQL code to print multiple formatted records using PL/SQL.
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Solved in 3 steps